Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dry Mexican Fiesta Dip

moral stories (1)

There was a country where rampant a band of ferocious giants. The king, helpless, he decided to turn to the knights-errant, published a notice in which it promised the hand of the princess his daughter to the knight who had defeated the Giants better. That any knight-errant, well structured and superbly ridden was able to defeat a giant pulcioso, in fact, no doubt. It was not enough to do it: should have been done correctly .
He introduced the first rider. He bowed before the king, kissed his right hand to the princess, who was holding a white lily in her left hand, and put her in front of the cave che faceva da covo giganti, da cui non tardò a uscire uno di quei mostri. Il cavaliere gli intimò d'arrendersi, ma il gigante, come tutta risposta, si mise a ridere. Il cavaliere iniziò allora con una lunga spiegazione a dire che non era bene quello che il gigante stava facendo. Il rozzo omaccione, mentre il cavaliere parlava, tirò fuori una pesante clava e gliela diede in testa. Il cavaliere stramazzò a terra e la principessa, il giglio in mano, si girò disgustata dall'altra parte.
Un secondo cavaliere si presentò all'impresa, e un secondo gigante fece capolino dall'ingresso della grotta. Non appena il gigante uscì dalla caverna, il cavaliere lo infilzò con la sua lancia. Con sua gran delusione, la principessa do not smirk, nor gave him the lily. In contrast, a tear line on the cheek. The dried with a tissue, which launched on the lifeless body of the giant.
came third rider, who parried in front of the third giant. The third knight, like the first, rebuked him for giving up, and the giant laughed again. He also protested the reasons for the king and kingdom against the giant. They rose again the heavy bat, but the rider did not come unprepared, and, after a difficult duel, killed him.
The princess threw her to the lily knight and married him.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Appendix Pain Symptoms


Good people Zoagli and Rapallo,
you please excuse the interval.
Non son vaporizzato,
ma solo un po' impegnato.
A rivederci a dopo l'intervallo.