know what is PTC? A PTC is a pay to click, that is a community that pays per click and display advertising banners of other companies. Short selling advertising. Create an account, you connect to their site, display banners that offer, and earnings, usually 1 cent $ for each ad displayed, but read on. :) is undoubtedly the best of all time. I tried, I won, and that's why I'm here to write. They make an average of 15 clicks per day, and ask yourself: "Is that all?". And I respond: "Of course not." In fact, you can to include your friends and gudagnerte at the same time they earn them. Suppose you do send 5 friends, so there are 6 people who click (you + 5), and then one day gudagnerete 6 times in those 15 cents. :)
But it does not end here, because you can invest your money in buying referrer. What are they? These are people who have registered themselves, and that did not report any person as a prompter. Groups of these can be purchased to make sure their earnings forever. For example you can buy 500 referrers. Suppose that each of these banners to click 10 days, are $ 50 per day! So $ 1500 a month! Guys, I know you feel like you impossible, but there it is! Just think: THE WORLD OF ADVERTISING WHEEL '!
The minimum payout is $ 10. Payments are made after about 3 months and with a bit of delay from the request, because of the billions of people ... BUT PAY!
The money can be cashed out only and exclusively on that AlertPay is a known company like Paypal, but much more common abroad.
certainly not a method by which you will be able to easily earn the $ 1500 but no one gives money XD
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
How Much Does It Cost To Get An Ohio License
The best guide to earn something with Eurobarre
The least difficult to accumulate some money through the internet is EUROBARRE.
As the name suggests, this program consists of a toolbar that generates €.
has dimensions approximately 750X70 pixels and is the top of your desktop.
In this small rectangle alternating different advertising sponsors.
Do not worry about anything because of anything you'll find.
fact, the system recognizes the bar, and for any application,
limits the display to another portion of the monitor.
not give you trouble for nothing! 10 seconds to get used enough!
installed on your computer, you have to do that ... we say ... NO.
If you are connected to the Internet, whatever you are doing to the PC, accumularete credits.
takes about 45 seconds to earn a credit.
The conversion of loans to a rate below € variable that is essentially increasing.
Today I pay € 0069 to 1000 credits accumulated.
Doing a little calculation takes 12 hours and 30 minutes to earn 1000 credits.
you ask?? But who am I doing this??
The answer is: AFFILIATE EARN MORE 'friends as possible!
pane of the program (infos / parrainage) and in the confirmation form (under "lien de parrainage" ) troverete il link per affiliare i vostri amici.
Guadagnerete il 100% dei guadagni di chi si affilia a voi attraverso quel link.
L'affiliazione è solo di primo livello ( se A fa iscrivere B, e B fa iscrivere C a sua volta col proprio link, A guadagnerà solo da B ) ma è sempre il 100% !!!
Quindi, supponendo di avere 100 amici che installino la barra,
e che in media si stia al pc 10 ore al giorno, potrete guadagnare in un giorno:
10 Ore = 60 minuti = 3600 secondi
(3600/45) = 800 crediti = 0.0552€
Le persone che usano il programma sono 100, più voi, 101.
Qindi ogni giorno incasserete circa 5.57€...€ e non $... € !!!
In tutto ciò ho trascurato i bonus!
Cosa sono? Una valanga di crediti !!!
Bonus per le email:
Basterà leggere le email che EUROBARRE vi manderà to earn from 50 to 100 credits.
bonus Polls:
With an average of one a week, will offer EUROBARRE survey information such as a product. Just follow the link "Enquête Bonus" in the main pane of software.Subito credited to your bonus credits from 1000 to 3000.
Loyalty Bonus:
5000 credits after the first 15, 45, and 75 days from the inclusion of the use of the bar, plus another 5000 credits on every anniversary of this.
Bonus per promozioni:
Nella pagina speciale "Bonus Action" accessibile dalle tasto "Promotions" del vostro Eurobarre potete usufruire di alcune promozioni come ad esempio aquistare prodotti o iscriversi a siti.
Alla convalida di queste azioni, vi verranno accredidati sul vostro conto EUROBARRE dai 3€ ai 30€.
Tutto ciò senza fare niente di chissà quanto impegnativo.
Studiate, lavorate, perdete tempo e avete la connessione internet aperta? Bene ! Guadagnerete !
But do not try to be clever, leaving open the pc but ...
In fact, the program to prevent people leaving PCs switched on to win unfairly, ask to verify a code from an image or the bar will prompt you to restart every 3 hours.
Boys ... what are you waiting?
Installation is easy! Miss a minute!
EUROBARRE is necessary to install a Windows file to the French language.
The found here
download it and put it into the
WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ (for XP and VISTA users)
WINDOWS \\ SYSTEM \\ (for earlier versions)
If you already have it, needless to replace.
Enter your details and your PayPal address on which you receive the payment.
The minimum payment required is 15 €.
is a Paypal account online with very small expenditure: a very small percentage of transactions. To create your account go here
I suggest a PREMIER account.
Finally, to install the toolbar go here. Above you'll find "Installer", click, and then click on "Cliquez ici pour lancer votre Eurobarre" to download the program. Installed, enter your data.
Have you installed? Excellent.
Sulla barra degli strumenti vi comparirà un € giallo.
E' l'icona di EUROBARRE e da lì potrete controllare tutto.
E' fatta.
Buon guadagno.
The least difficult to accumulate some money through the internet is EUROBARRE.
As the name suggests, this program consists of a toolbar that generates €.
has dimensions approximately 750X70 pixels and is the top of your desktop.
In this small rectangle alternating different advertising sponsors.
Do not worry about anything because of anything you'll find.
fact, the system recognizes the bar, and for any application,
limits the display to another portion of the monitor.
not give you trouble for nothing! 10 seconds to get used enough!
installed on your computer, you have to do that ... we say ... NO.
If you are connected to the Internet, whatever you are doing to the PC, accumularete credits.
takes about 45 seconds to earn a credit.
The conversion of loans to a rate below € variable that is essentially increasing.
Today I pay € 0069 to 1000 credits accumulated.
Doing a little calculation takes 12 hours and 30 minutes to earn 1000 credits.
you ask?? But who am I doing this??
The answer is: AFFILIATE EARN MORE 'friends as possible!
pane of the program (infos / parrainage) and in the confirmation form (under "lien de parrainage" ) troverete il link per affiliare i vostri amici.
Guadagnerete il 100% dei guadagni di chi si affilia a voi attraverso quel link.
L'affiliazione è solo di primo livello ( se A fa iscrivere B, e B fa iscrivere C a sua volta col proprio link, A guadagnerà solo da B ) ma è sempre il 100% !!!
Quindi, supponendo di avere 100 amici che installino la barra,
e che in media si stia al pc 10 ore al giorno, potrete guadagnare in un giorno:
10 Ore = 60 minuti = 3600 secondi
(3600/45) = 800 crediti = 0.0552€
Le persone che usano il programma sono 100, più voi, 101.
Qindi ogni giorno incasserete circa 5.57€...€ e non $... € !!!
In tutto ciò ho trascurato i bonus!
Cosa sono? Una valanga di crediti !!!
Bonus per le email:
Basterà leggere le email che EUROBARRE vi manderà to earn from 50 to 100 credits.
bonus Polls:
With an average of one a week, will offer EUROBARRE survey information such as a product. Just follow the link "Enquête Bonus" in the main pane of software.Subito credited to your bonus credits from 1000 to 3000.
Loyalty Bonus:
5000 credits after the first 15, 45, and 75 days from the inclusion of the use of the bar, plus another 5000 credits on every anniversary of this.
Bonus per promozioni:
Nella pagina speciale "Bonus Action" accessibile dalle tasto "Promotions" del vostro Eurobarre potete usufruire di alcune promozioni come ad esempio aquistare prodotti o iscriversi a siti.
Alla convalida di queste azioni, vi verranno accredidati sul vostro conto EUROBARRE dai 3€ ai 30€.
Tutto ciò senza fare niente di chissà quanto impegnativo.
Studiate, lavorate, perdete tempo e avete la connessione internet aperta? Bene ! Guadagnerete !
But do not try to be clever, leaving open the pc but ...
In fact, the program to prevent people leaving PCs switched on to win unfairly, ask to verify a code from an image or the bar will prompt you to restart every 3 hours.
Boys ... what are you waiting?
Installation is easy! Miss a minute!
EUROBARRE is necessary to install a Windows file to the French language.
The found here
download it and put it into the
WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ (for XP and VISTA users)
WINDOWS \\ SYSTEM \\ (for earlier versions)
If you already have it, needless to replace.
Enter your details and your PayPal address on which you receive the payment.
The minimum payment required is 15 €.
is a Paypal account online with very small expenditure: a very small percentage of transactions. To create your account go here
I suggest a PREMIER account.
Finally, to install the toolbar go here. Above you'll find "Installer", click, and then click on "Cliquez ici pour lancer votre Eurobarre" to download the program. Installed, enter your data.
Have you installed? Excellent.
Sulla barra degli strumenti vi comparirà un € giallo.
E' l'icona di EUROBARRE e da lì potrete controllare tutto.
E' fatta.
Buon guadagno.
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