is played in two (but just changing the rules you can play in three or four) . Player A has to think a number from 1 to 100 (or other numeric range) and Player B should guess going to trial and error. If B says "x", Player A has to say if the number who thought it is "x" or if it is greater or less than "x". Any attempt to point B is A, every move "wrong" is worth five points of B of A. When B finally guessed, it takes a share reversed. Vince, let's say, the first which is 21 points.
B. 34
A. Minor. [A to point A]
B. 15
A. Maggiore. [A to point A]
B. 40
A. Bad move (because we already knew that the number was less than 34). [Five points for A]
B. 27.
A. You guessed it!
Variations and additional rules. To ensure the honesty of A, you can ask me to write the number on a piece of paper, to be checked at the end. In a variant, the game makes sense even if A can cheat and change the number depending on the response of B, but in line with the directions given above. In a few moves, however, B can force A "corner".
Question. What is the maximum number of moves it takes a smart player to guess the number x, assuming that it is between 1 and 100?

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