The wolf-man 3
The man said he had to go for a Bisognin and then he resumed his story. He did not go in the bathroom of the tavern, but toward the exit. "It will be one of those people who likes to pee outside," I thought.
As soon as he came out, we heard a dog barking, then another, and after a succession of dogs farther and farther into the valley. After a while they heard a shriek, half way between the sound of a nail strip on a blackboard and a window that runs fast on its hinges a little greasy. The man returned with the suo strano passo, mettendo qualcosa dentro la bisaccia che portava a tracolla del suo cappotto. Dalla sacca usciva una specie di fazzoletto nero, che l'uomo spinse subito dentro. Mentre la cosa nera spariva, mi parve di riconoscerla come un'ala di pipistrello. Evidentemente, l'impressione del racconto mi aveva suggestionato.
Mio padre fece quello che aveva detto. Quattro lupacchiotti li diede a un pastore per stare dietro alle greggi, mentre uno, il più sano e robusto, lo tenne per sè, pensando di addestrarlo alla caccia.
In quello stesso periodo, conobbe una donna del paese. Si sposarono e lei rimase incinta. Le visite della lupa si facevano via via più rade. Era arrivato poi un autunno molto freddo e, pensavano all, most of the pups that had lost three-room deal with enough prey.
went by like the months of winter, came and spent the spring and, shortly before the birth, my father had a strange encounter. One night he woke up with dry throat with thirst and stomach heavy and, opening his eyes, he saw the muzzle of the wolf in the face. The bet was with the four paws on the body and with the mouth open, lips and teeth pulled in plain sight.
"Now kill me," thought my father, who knew how the wolf, with a single bite, he could have cut the throat. The wolf, however, remained motionless for a long time, looking him straight in the eye. Then he moved to my mother, who was sleeping next door without noticing anything, and licked her belly.
My father, recovered from the terror, rose to defend his wife, but the wolf jumped away and disappeared through the window, so fast that he thought he had dreamed.
When my mother gave birth, the child was all hairy, with two large nostrils, thick nails, feet long, what was the most horrible, long canine teeth. In a baby! That child, it will probably guessed, was me.
The people of the country, knowing the whole story, said it was the curse of the wolf, but my father replied that it was all nonsense. They said that the wolf had come to take their children into the belly of his wife, and my father began to doubt. Suggested che, vedendo i suoi lupacchiotti in mano all'uomo, la lupa aveva preso un uomo e lo aveva fatto diventare lupo; e mio padre, che non vedeva la peluria cadere, che sentiva mia madre urlare quando mi allattava, che più tagliava le unghie, più le queste ricrescevano lunghe e robuste, decise di restituire i lupacchiotti alla loro madre.
Andò dai pastori e li pagò molto più di quanto non avesse ricevuto da loro per riavere indietro i quattro lupacchiotti, oramai grandicelli. Il suo cucciolo, però, lo volle tenere. Perchè ci si era affezionato; in odio alla lupa; perchè -pensava- "una lupa saprà contare anche fino a quattro, ma certamente non fino a cinque."
In effetti, dopo che mio padre riportò The four kittens my appearance became more similar to that of other infants. The hair fell, nails, when cut, resumed to grow round and soft, when they were on the other teeth, the canines are not notarno much.
Reassured, my father took up the chase, he had neglected for nearly a year, becoming increasingly accompanied by his young wolf. Together they spent long days, from before sunrise to after sunset since. The wolf loved and learned: focus, report, look for prey in the dense bush.
One day they went up in the mountains, up steep rocks and along paths carved in the middle of steep rock walls. Just as they were one of those long paths, mio padre iniziò ad arrampicarsi verso un nido di falco abbastanza accessibile, mentre il suo lupo-cane lo attendeva nervoso più in basso. Da lì mio padre vide arrivare la lupa, che stava percorrendo proprio quel sentiero, ed ebbe un brutto presentimento.
Il giovane lupo non riconobbe la madre, ma una preda come un'altra e gli si scagliò contro. La lupa, più esperta, finse una fuga e, non appena il lupo gli fu alle spalle, si voltò con sorprendente velocità e lo azzannò appena sotto la gola.
In quello stesso momento, riconobbe dall'inconfondibile odore che si trattava del suo quinto cucciolo. Perse ogni desiderio di combattere, lasciò la presa e suo figlio, prendendo il sopravvento, le fu subito addosso. In the melee, the wolf slipped and fell into the precipice.
My father, meanwhile, was down again on the path. He called his tame wolf and went home.
Since that day, my transformation came where he was stopped. The fingers of my feet were too long and this forces me to limp. Maybe that's why, even though I grew up in this country, I can not say that I have real friends, even now that I'm old. But I
I arrange the same and if he wants to contribute to this my arrangement, leave me a little money to pay for a bottle of wine, it means that my story did not leave indifferent.
"Sure, sure" I pulled out my portafolgi and stretched one of my few notes. He took it, put it in his pocket and rose from the table. "Thank you sir, thank you very much."
run towards the door, pulled out the black thing out of the knapsack and began to sgranocchiarsela. I never wanted to know what it was.
That night I slept with the door locked with a key and well the next morning, shortly after dawn, the little man in the country m'aveva brought me back to my train to the sea.
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