This may not know it. It was popular in my backyard when I was maybe ten years, especially on rainy days, but it also played more games during the break between 'physical.
Material: sheets squares and a pencil or pen.
Start. On paper, draw a Formula 1 track, with a beginning and an end.
How to play. The players (two or more ') from a standing start (of course) from the starting line and move in turn. Their position is always at the intersection of the lines of notebooks. It moves in turn.
The rule states that you can move to 'accelerate or decelerate to a maximum of one square vertically and / or horizontally. To better explain what that 'I mean, follow the path of the runners A, B and C in the figure above (I've marked with numbers the successive positions of the players).
A is the initial position and velocity at time 0 '0. Procedede one of the top (vertical) and a right (horizontal) and comes to the position marked 1. Means to pick (the "speed '") with numbers (1.1). The next move, A can 'change of at most 1 is the horizontal and vertical component of its displacement, from (1.1) one of the following:
(0.1), (1.1), (2 , 1), (0.0), (1.0), (2.0), (0.2) (1.2) (2.2).
As you can see, in moving from position 1 to 2, player A has chosen (0.2), accelerating and decelerating horizontally and vertically. The movement of A are, in order:
(1.1), (0.2), (1.3), (2.4) (3.4) (4.3), (4 , 2), (3.1), (2.0), (1, -1) [the negative number -1 means that the vertical displacement and 'down, a number negative means move horizontally to the left], (1, -2), (0, -3), (0, -4), (0, -5), (0, -6).
The player to reach the finish line after 15 moves. Notice how B riuscedo to make the curve more 'close, has come in 14 moves. Player C, who had pushed too hard on the accelerator, has run 'crashed on caps despite a belated attempt to brake.
Vince, of course, those who finish first. Those who, like C, goes out and 'deleted.
can introduce variations or regoleulteriori. For example, you can 'imporrre two cars that are not in the same place at the same time. Or, you may introduce the "oil spots" on which no you can 'speed up, it' deceleration. And so 'on.
(PS: I had some problems to upload the image by changing the format: I will try 'to make good on the weekend).