Quando si va al ristorante con dei bambini, specialmente d'inverno o in giornate piovose, non bisogna mai dimenticare di portare con sé fogli, penne e matite. La lunga stay in the restaurant is a torture for the children is incomprehensible, and the claim that they are made to stand still and composed, however understandable, is unnatural for them.
A pen and a few sheets of paper (or paper towel, if it is economical trattoria) have everything you need to entertain the kids all the time.
A game suitable for children of school age is the kind, or one of its variants. The rules of the tris everyone knows, I will therefore confine myself to point out the beautiful voice of the usual wikipedia:
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tris_ (game)
that inspired the example of game above.
the lives of so many people the trio is the first example of mathematical theory of which is acquired at an early age-often-complete knowledge. Unfortunately, it is also in most cases the last theory is studied with enthusiasm and participation.
After several hundreds of games, almost all children understand that two players who play the game perfectly conducting flap. Before reaching this conclusion, the children have learned to counter the opponent's moves, to prepare the dead ends (situations in which each counter-move is in vain) to risk of risky positions, but promising. The theory of tris
is accessible because all the possible matches non solo è finito, ma è anche poco numeroso.
Oggi pomeriggio stavo cercando una maniera per meglio rendere il fatto che due giocatori che giochino perfettamente conducono la partita in patta . Non m'è venuta in mente nessuna formulazione che fosse al tempo stesso rigorosa e semplice (la teoria dei giochi si occupa anche di questi problemi).
Il Tris ha diverse varianti, che trovate anche nella pagina di wikipedia. Una consiste nel giocare in campo aperto (usate come griglia un foglio a quadretti), cercando di mettere in fila (orizzontale, verticale o diagonale) quattro dei vostri simboli. Presto si vede che, tra due giocatori perfetti, il primo vince sempre. Meglio allora provare with alignments of five symbols. I do not know if this match ends fatally in a victory for the first or second, or if the two players are perfect trasconarla sentenced to infinity (the infinite grid, unfortunately, there is a draw). A purely graphical variant
trio is to replace the squares from the intersection of the lines that distinguish it: it seems a different game, but it's actually the same.
Another variant on the market under the name of Force Four, asked to four symbols in a row, but with a "gravity effect" for which the symbols must be placed on a "floor", or other symbols already registered (this The variant may also play with Legos, or colored cubes).
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