We try to make it digestible to the daughter of the summer review multiplication tables.
Father: "Now we do the multiplication table of chickens, how many legs has a chicken?"
Daughter: "Two."
B.: "How many chickens have two legs?"
F.: "Four."
And so 'on.
B. "Now we do the multiplication table of the horses, how many legs has a horse?"
F. "Four, Ugh!"
B. "And two horses?"
F. "Eight."
And going away, without enthusiasm by the daughter.
B. "Now, the multiplication table of the ant ..."
F. "No, I do not want to do that, NOW!"
B. "Okay, we'll make tonight. Then, choose you an animal for the next multiplication table. "
F." I choose the snake! Zero, zero, zero, zero ... "
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