Non è difficile iniziare a dimagrire facilmente.
How many times have we said to ourselves, "Tomorrow begins!" And then there are the repeated the next day and the next but in the end we always put off? That day has arrived and already today we can begin to lose weight easily , but before we start planning everything you need to do to reach our goal. The first thing is to talk to our doctor and knowing that getting to know our state of health, will surely give us good advice, and may also draw some guidelines to follow in our diet. Another tip is to write a "food diary" in which pinning all habits, both good and bad, which will help us find any changes of route and rebuild il nostro “percorso alimentare”. Infine, diverse sono le domande alle quali dobbiamo dare risposta quotidianamente e lo possiamo fare scrivendole sul nostro diario tutti i giorni senza aver paura di prendere nota anche di eventuali errori commessi, anzi (ci aiuteranno a capire dove correggerci).
Cosa rimane complicato nell' eseguire il programma? Ovvero, cosa ci rimane più difficile eseguire o non eseguire quotidianamente, se il non mangiare un determinato cibo o non riuscire a fare dell’attività fisica in determinate ore della giornata.
Quante calorie al giorno devo consumare e quali sono i cibi permessi e non? Focalizzarci su determinati gruppi alimentari, in base a What we advised our doctor or nutritionist, and going to figure out which are more difficult to eat or avoid.
physical activity part of my "plan"? Physical activity is certainly important in achieving our goal of losing weight and in this case it is useful to mark in our programs and progress diary every day.
A last but not least, to keep in mind is that you can lose weight easily, but always respecting your body and understand all the signals we send. It 'good to be careful what you eat and exercise but do not overdo it and put stress on the whole ourselves as we would have an opposite effect and certainly counterproductive.
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