Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fever Of 40.7 Celsius

Tempus fugit animals

We try to make it digestible to the daughter of the summer review multiplication tables.
Father: "Now we do the multiplication table of chickens, how many legs has a chicken?"
Daughter: "Two."
B.: "How many chickens have two legs?"
F.: "Four."
And so 'on.
B. "Now we do the multiplication table of the horses, how many legs has a horse?"
F. "Four, Ugh!"
B. "And two horses?"
F. "Eight."
And going away, without enthusiasm by the daughter.
B. "Now, the multiplication table of the ant ..."
F. "No, I do not want to do that, NOW!"
B. "Okay, we'll make tonight. Then, choose you an animal for the next multiplication table. "
F." I choose the snake! Zero, zero, zero, zero ... "

Monday, June 1, 2009

Alternatives To Wireless Dongle For Xbox 360


Tempus de Manibus sfugit, water
ut de colander.
In tempus non bastat Junio, sed
Julius scribendum ERIT:
pro infants,
cum abudantia .

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kates Playground Movie Free

Restaurant Games: Formula 1

This may not know it. It was popular in my backyard when I was maybe ten years, especially on rainy days, but it also played more games during the break between 'physical.
Material: sheets squares and a pencil or pen.
Start. On paper, draw a Formula 1 track, with a beginning and an end.
How to play. The players (two or more ') from a standing start (of course) from the starting line and move in turn. Their position is always at the intersection of the lines of notebooks. It moves in turn.
The rule states that you can move to 'accelerate or decelerate to a maximum of one square vertically and / or horizontally. To better explain what that 'I mean, follow the path of the runners A, B and C in the figure above (I've marked with numbers the successive positions of the players).
A is the initial position and velocity at time 0 '0. Procedede one of the top (vertical) and a right (horizontal) and comes to the position marked 1. Means to pick (the "speed '") with numbers (1.1). The next move, A can 'change of at most 1 is the horizontal and vertical component of its displacement, from (1.1) one of the following:

(0.1), (1.1), (2 , 1), (0.0), (1.0), (2.0), (0.2) (1.2) (2.2).

As you can see, in moving from position 1 to 2, player A has chosen (0.2), accelerating and decelerating horizontally and vertically. The movement of A are, in order:

(1.1), (0.2), (1.3), (2.4) (3.4) (4.3), (4 , 2), (3.1), (2.0), (1, -1) [the negative number -1 means that the vertical displacement and 'down, a number negative means move horizontally to the left], (1, -2), (0, -3), (0, -4), (0, -5), (0, -6).

The player to reach the finish line after 15 moves. Notice how B riuscedo to make the curve more 'close, has come in 14 moves. Player C, who had pushed too hard on the accelerator, has run 'crashed on caps despite a belated attempt to brake.

Vince, of course, those who finish first. Those who, like C, goes out and 'deleted.

can introduce variations or regoleulteriori. For example, you can 'imporrre two cars that are not in the same place at the same time. Or, you may introduce the "oil spots" on which no you can 'speed up, it' deceleration. And so 'on.

(PS: I had some problems to upload the image by changing the format: I will try 'to make good on the weekend).

Saturday, April 25, 2009

High Cervix A Week Before Period

Moral Stories: (2) Games

There was once a peasant couple without children. Not that they would not, indeed, but was coming to them by the age at which children do not have it anymore, and even the shadow of brats. One day the woman was going to fetch water and met an old woman bent under a heavy bundle of firewood.
"I'll help, mother," offer themselves to the woman who hoisted the bundle on his back.
arrived at the home of old, he said: "I am poor and I have nothing to give thee, but in turn less than a year now you do not have that. "
After nine months, in fact, the child was born so desired.
The child was a few months and the mother made him go back to the river to fetch water, when he met the same old, who was desperately trying to shake her ass. The peasant said to himself: 'I can not help with the baby in her arms', but underneath it was instead thinking,' Do not think that the old will want something in return for hours Only for telling me that I had anything, not even tell me what '. He pretended not to see it and passed on.
the years passed and the child grew strong and healthy, but bad. he never listened to parents, took pleasure in tormenting the animals now and had quarreled with all the neighborhood kids. Moreover, they realized that he stole into the house. "And who knows if it also steals from the neighbors?" asked the anxious mother.
One day it was discovered that someone had stolen from the poor box at church. In all countries think that he was the son of two farmers, so they went to ask him.
"Certainly it was not me," he said testily. But when they went to search his room, they found the coins under his bed.
The child was then taken to the streets and judged. All the accused: the other children who had always treated him badly, and the pastor of the church to which he had stolen from the alms; i paesani che erano stanchi di tutte le sue cattiverie e persino i suoi genitori, che s'erano persino pentiti di averlo tanto desiderato.
Il bambino si guardava attorno in cerca di uno sguardo amico, ma non ne trovava nessuno. Non i paesani, non gli altri bambini, non i suoi genitori.
"Se nessuno ha nulla da dire in sua difesa, procederemo alla punizione di questa piccola canaglia," disse il podestà del paese.
Una debole e triste voce di vecchia obiettò: "Non va bene dare tutti addosso a un bambino, non importa cosa abbia fatto. E' solo un bambino, dopotutto."
Una folla inferocita zittì la vecchia. "Non merita pietà!" "Poteva pensarci prima."
Fu deciso che il bambino sarebbe rimasto tre giorni e tre notti legato all'anello di ferro a cui -davanti all'osteria- venivano legate la cavalcature dei clienti.
La mattina dopo, però, il bambino non era più lì, né lo si trovò da nessuna parte in paese, né a casa sua.
Qualche giorno dopo, uno straccivendolo di passaggio disse di aver visto, a molte leghe da lì, una vecchietta che camminava, aiutando il passo stanco appoggiandosi a un bambino pieno di premure per lei. Senza dubbio il suo nipotino, concluse lo straccivendolo.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Monica Roccaforte Full Movie

restaurant: the tris

Quando si va al ristorante con dei bambini, specialmente d'inverno o in giornate piovose, non bisogna mai dimenticare di portare con sé fogli, penne e matite. La lunga stay in the restaurant is a torture for the children is incomprehensible, and the claim that they are made to stand still and composed, however understandable, is unnatural for them.
A pen and a few sheets of paper (or paper towel, if it is economical trattoria) have everything you need to entertain the kids all the time.
A game suitable for children of school age is the kind, or one of its variants. The rules of the tris everyone knows, I will therefore confine myself to point out the beautiful voice of the usual wikipedia: (game)

that inspired the example of game above.

the lives of so many people the trio is the first example of mathematical theory of which is acquired at an early age-often-complete knowledge. Unfortunately, it is also in most cases the last theory is studied with enthusiasm and participation.
After several hundreds of games, almost all children understand that two players who play the game perfectly conducting flap. Before reaching this conclusion, the children have learned to counter the opponent's moves, to prepare the dead ends (situations in which each counter-move is in vain) to risk of risky positions, but promising. The theory of tris
is accessible because all the possible matches non solo è finito, ma è anche poco numeroso.
Oggi pomeriggio stavo cercando una maniera per meglio rendere il fatto che due giocatori che giochino perfettamente conducono la partita in patta . Non m'è venuta in mente nessuna formulazione che fosse al tempo stesso rigorosa e semplice (la teoria dei giochi si occupa anche di questi problemi).

Il Tris ha diverse varianti, che trovate anche nella pagina di wikipedia. Una consiste nel giocare in campo aperto (usate come griglia un foglio a quadretti), cercando di mettere in fila (orizzontale, verticale o diagonale) quattro dei vostri simboli. Presto si vede che, tra due giocatori perfetti, il primo vince sempre. Meglio allora provare with alignments of five symbols. I do not know if this match ends fatally in a victory for the first or second, or if the two players are perfect trasconarla sentenced to infinity (the infinite grid, unfortunately, there is a draw). A purely graphical variant
trio is to replace the squares from the intersection of the lines that distinguish it: it seems a different game, but it's actually the same.
Another variant on the market under the name of Force Four, asked to four symbols in a row, but with a "gravity effect" for which the symbols must be placed on a "floor", or other symbols already registered (this The variant may also play with Legos, or colored cubes).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dry Mexican Fiesta Dip

moral stories (1)

There was a country where rampant a band of ferocious giants. The king, helpless, he decided to turn to the knights-errant, published a notice in which it promised the hand of the princess his daughter to the knight who had defeated the Giants better. That any knight-errant, well structured and superbly ridden was able to defeat a giant pulcioso, in fact, no doubt. It was not enough to do it: should have been done correctly .
He introduced the first rider. He bowed before the king, kissed his right hand to the princess, who was holding a white lily in her left hand, and put her in front of the cave che faceva da covo giganti, da cui non tardò a uscire uno di quei mostri. Il cavaliere gli intimò d'arrendersi, ma il gigante, come tutta risposta, si mise a ridere. Il cavaliere iniziò allora con una lunga spiegazione a dire che non era bene quello che il gigante stava facendo. Il rozzo omaccione, mentre il cavaliere parlava, tirò fuori una pesante clava e gliela diede in testa. Il cavaliere stramazzò a terra e la principessa, il giglio in mano, si girò disgustata dall'altra parte.
Un secondo cavaliere si presentò all'impresa, e un secondo gigante fece capolino dall'ingresso della grotta. Non appena il gigante uscì dalla caverna, il cavaliere lo infilzò con la sua lancia. Con sua gran delusione, la principessa do not smirk, nor gave him the lily. In contrast, a tear line on the cheek. The dried with a tissue, which launched on the lifeless body of the giant.
came third rider, who parried in front of the third giant. The third knight, like the first, rebuked him for giving up, and the giant laughed again. He also protested the reasons for the king and kingdom against the giant. They rose again the heavy bat, but the rider did not come unprepared, and, after a difficult duel, killed him.
The princess threw her to the lily knight and married him.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Appendix Pain Symptoms


Good people Zoagli and Rapallo,
you please excuse the interval.
Non son vaporizzato,
ma solo un po' impegnato.
A rivederci a dopo l'intervallo.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In Memory Of Mother In Wedding Programs

Lullaby to Lullaby improvisation

E' arrivato un capitano
dallo sguardo un poco strano,
è arrivato con suo figlio
su uno strano, gran naviglio.
Ha degli occhi spenti e buoni
e una barba nera e folta
alla moda d'una volta,
ha dei calli sui manoni.
La sua nave vola via
sulle onde senza scia:
una cosa così strana
da parere quasi arcana.
Gli offro un fiasco di buon vino
per sentirlo raccontare
per che via, per quale mare
sia approdato qui vicino.

"Molti anni ho navigato
per l'oceano salato,
goods and people for the four continents;
until one day I reached
in the Black Sea and at that point the crew was dead tired

wanted to stop in port. "

He drinks, he drinks the captain, while his son

beard with his hand
weaves the threads until they become long braid.

"It was in the beautiful port of Odessa
before I knew of that, soon returned,
I was in love.
Without haste, but with damage
stayed a year in Odessa. What harm

explain if I have more wine. "

He drinks, he drinks the captain, while his
though the rough seas, remains
stopped, and I can not comprehend how he
rolls around, and he in a calm.

"She was pregnant, my landlady, she
town of Odessa,
while I, who was English
was expelled from the country.
turned me off the ground because

had fought against the country where I was born in what
m 'had hosted.
I left that night, there
leaving my landlady, and began to navigate

and running every sea.
I did en route to China,
then, it seemed near, I took
in Indonesia,
then Burma, then in Malaysia.
But there was no port or stop
that do not arrive by mail:
the sender was the same,
'Olga Ivanovna, ostessa':
'Sai, è nato un bel maschietto,'
mi rigiro io sul letto,
'in tuo onore, capitano,
l'ho chiamato Ivan Gabbiano.'
Sappia, infatti, che di nome
son John, Seagull è il cognome."

Beve, beve il capitano,
e il suo sguardo va lontano.
La sua mente in mar s'è messa,
si dirige verso Odessa.

"Non potevo io aspettare
che una tregua o pace vera
mi lasciasse ritornare
alla madre e locandiera.
Travestito da argentino
noleggiai un brigantino.
Non ci volle un mese intero,
ch'ero giunto al Mare Nero.
Arrivai infine a Odessa,
ritrovai la sua inn:
stood on the porch,
breast-feeding, my landlady.
were happy days, I also saw old friends
seamen, ship owners, chefs
, actresses and traitors. Among the latter

a snake turned to a sergeant of police of Odessa
who arrived the same night.
took me to prison as a spy and an enemy
not say how sad it was
leave my pension.
volevan I shot, but then

were happy to let the twenties
in the tower by the sea.
In the cell, shortly after, I met a big rat
who, together with an old spider,
I was his only companion.
From there, after a few years,
for old age and illness, and my troubles they left

without my friends.
My body was buried, but the soul rebel

idea was that I was taken
Ivan, and left the skin.
I went from my landlady,
in his bar in the center of Odessa, and

convinced she and her son to follow the ship.
A ship that you see,
if you have good eyes,
moonless nights
navigate to fortune. "

with his sleeve wiped his lips and waved, then
his son went out on the pier;
followed them, but I was just there.

hurricane was night and it seemed very strano
tra la nebbia ed il miasma
di veder, quasi fantasma,
una nave che correva,
senza scossa, né rollio,
come fosse del mar dio,
e nel mare si perdeva.
Credermi, lo so, è duro:
al timone è il capitano,
tiene stretta per la mano
una donna in velo scuro.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can Dogs Get Frostbite On Paws

Una vecchia ninna-nanna fa

"Ninna-o, ninna-o,
questo bimbo a chi lo dò?
Lo daremo all'uomo nero
che lo tiene un mese intero;
lo daremo alla befana
che lo tiene una settimana."

Mancano diverse scansioni di tempo. Io l'ho continuata così:

"Ninna-o, ninna-o,
questo bimbo a chi lo dò?
Lo daremo all'uomo nero
che lo tiene un mese intero;
lo daremo alla befana
che lo tiene una settimana;
lo daremo al padrone del forno
che lo tiene per un giorno;
lo daremo alla vecchia signora
che lo tiene per un'ora;
lo daremo al caprone cornuto
che lo tiene per un minuto;
lo daremo al sasso tondo
che lo tiene per un secondo."

E voi, come la completereste?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Short Barbell Tonguering

A Bologna, a un carciofo di Paestum,
un prezzemolo disse "Benèssum:
si frigge in padella,
si va poi in scodella."
Giudìa sorte al carciofo di Paestum.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ap Bio Lab 5 Answers Wards

Limerick Contest Eraser

Carissimi readers,
recently I did not have much breath to write new things. And to say that there was some ideuzza.
leave you the task of developing it, modify it, betray it. The fruits of your labor, as a reward, will be published here. I leave with a notebook as a rough track.

eraser and a little girl who, instead of the index finger of his right hand, has an eraser. With that can clear this (and who) she does not like that scares her, that makes her angry ... It has no way but to remedy the erasures. This leads her to a series of misadventures in which he tries to remedy by hasty deletions to disasters than before, and things go from bad to worse.

pencils, in contrast, can create at will using the finger-pencil, but can not. He, too, using this power, does and gets into trouble.

Happy ending: eraser and pencils meet and, together, manage to get by, with some success.

From this starting point there are several versions or oral, that maybe I'll put on the network. After the contents, of course: I do not want to influence anybody!

Regards, Maz