Friday, February 20, 2009

In Memory Of Mother In Wedding Programs

Lullaby to Lullaby improvisation

E' arrivato un capitano
dallo sguardo un poco strano,
è arrivato con suo figlio
su uno strano, gran naviglio.
Ha degli occhi spenti e buoni
e una barba nera e folta
alla moda d'una volta,
ha dei calli sui manoni.
La sua nave vola via
sulle onde senza scia:
una cosa così strana
da parere quasi arcana.
Gli offro un fiasco di buon vino
per sentirlo raccontare
per che via, per quale mare
sia approdato qui vicino.

"Molti anni ho navigato
per l'oceano salato,
goods and people for the four continents;
until one day I reached
in the Black Sea and at that point the crew was dead tired

wanted to stop in port. "

He drinks, he drinks the captain, while his son

beard with his hand
weaves the threads until they become long braid.

"It was in the beautiful port of Odessa
before I knew of that, soon returned,
I was in love.
Without haste, but with damage
stayed a year in Odessa. What harm

explain if I have more wine. "

He drinks, he drinks the captain, while his
though the rough seas, remains
stopped, and I can not comprehend how he
rolls around, and he in a calm.

"She was pregnant, my landlady, she
town of Odessa,
while I, who was English
was expelled from the country.
turned me off the ground because

had fought against the country where I was born in what
m 'had hosted.
I left that night, there
leaving my landlady, and began to navigate

and running every sea.
I did en route to China,
then, it seemed near, I took
in Indonesia,
then Burma, then in Malaysia.
But there was no port or stop
that do not arrive by mail:
the sender was the same,
'Olga Ivanovna, ostessa':
'Sai, è nato un bel maschietto,'
mi rigiro io sul letto,
'in tuo onore, capitano,
l'ho chiamato Ivan Gabbiano.'
Sappia, infatti, che di nome
son John, Seagull è il cognome."

Beve, beve il capitano,
e il suo sguardo va lontano.
La sua mente in mar s'è messa,
si dirige verso Odessa.

"Non potevo io aspettare
che una tregua o pace vera
mi lasciasse ritornare
alla madre e locandiera.
Travestito da argentino
noleggiai un brigantino.
Non ci volle un mese intero,
ch'ero giunto al Mare Nero.
Arrivai infine a Odessa,
ritrovai la sua inn:
stood on the porch,
breast-feeding, my landlady.
were happy days, I also saw old friends
seamen, ship owners, chefs
, actresses and traitors. Among the latter

a snake turned to a sergeant of police of Odessa
who arrived the same night.
took me to prison as a spy and an enemy
not say how sad it was
leave my pension.
volevan I shot, but then

were happy to let the twenties
in the tower by the sea.
In the cell, shortly after, I met a big rat
who, together with an old spider,
I was his only companion.
From there, after a few years,
for old age and illness, and my troubles they left

without my friends.
My body was buried, but the soul rebel

idea was that I was taken
Ivan, and left the skin.
I went from my landlady,
in his bar in the center of Odessa, and

convinced she and her son to follow the ship.
A ship that you see,
if you have good eyes,
moonless nights
navigate to fortune. "

with his sleeve wiped his lips and waved, then
his son went out on the pier;
followed them, but I was just there.

hurricane was night and it seemed very strano
tra la nebbia ed il miasma
di veder, quasi fantasma,
una nave che correva,
senza scossa, né rollio,
come fosse del mar dio,
e nel mare si perdeva.
Credermi, lo so, è duro:
al timone è il capitano,
tiene stretta per la mano
una donna in velo scuro.