Christmas Banquet
Mary was pregnant when she and Joseph were ordered to march to the little town of Bethlehem, where they were supposed to register with the Office of the Roman census. Giuseppe loaded Maria sull'asino e partirono.
Fu un viaggio lungo, ma la sera del terzo giorno arrivarono finalmente a Betlemme. Maria, come tutte le donne incinta, aveva una gran fame e girarono per il centro in cerca di un posto in cui mangiare. Furono indirizzati alla Pizzeria Bella Napoli, ma era già piena di gente arrivata in paese per il censimento e non c'era neanche posto per mangiare in piedi. La pizzeria Vesuvio aveva addirittura finito la pasta per la pizza e aveva chiuso prima del tempo. La pizzeria Posillipo non aveva nemmeno aperto, perchè il pizzaiolo era andato a farsi censire in Galilea, da dov'era immigrato, e la pizzeria Amalfi era chiusa per le vacanze invernali.
"Ma io ho fame," si lamentò Maria con Giuseppe.
"Ho solo these three turnips, "said Joseph after poking around in the pocket of his tunic.
" Patience, Mager ones, "said Mary, and started munching turnips.
After a short time, Mary gave a cry and pressed his belly," that evil, Joseph! "
" Of course, you eat raw turnips! "he said.
" No, fool, this is Jesus who has decided to come out, "she said smiling," we're going to find a hotel and a midwife for the birth. "
The midwife found it, but with all the hotels were unlucky as the pizza: all crowded round the country from the remotest corners of the empire.
Gura you turn around, found right in the middle of country, a dilapidated barn, closed by a gate with no lock. They went and made ready for delivery.
The midwife was with Mary, Joseph and their orders are going to look for water, heating and washing pieces of cloth.
looking for something that looked like a cradle, Joseph found a dozing ox. He took the crib where the ox ate, gave her a cleaned and filled with straw.
They had just finished washing Jesus, they heard a knock on the fence. Joseph went to see and found himself in front of three gentlemen richly dressed, with servants who held the reins for their horses and camels loaded with crates.
"Who are you?"
"We Three Kings," they answered. "We came here following a comet, according to our calculations, was to take us where Salvatore was born, the King of Men. Here is a king named Savior? "
" No, "said Joseph," here's just a baby named Jesus. "
" We see that our accounts were not entirely correct, "said their entering , "we still have gifts for him."
"There is something to eat, among those gifts?" asked Maria, who had more hunger than before.
"No, we have some things far more precious: gold, frankincense and myrrh. "
" Patience, "said Mary," and thanks anyway for these precious gifts. "
That night everyone slept in Bethlehem, and did not hear an angel flying singing: "And 'the Saviour's birth! Go to the stable in Bethlehem!"
They heard, however, the dogs of the shepherds who were sleeping in the hills around the village with their flocks, and began barking furiously.
"What happened? Thieves!" shouted the pastors wake up to the barking of their dogs, but instead of thieves found this angel singing.
'Last night I drank too much,' thought a pastor while the angel announcing the coming of the Savior.
"And who is this Savior?" she asks.
"The King of Men," he responded by beating its wings still in place.
"And the Kings of Men born in a barn?" insisted in disbelief.
"Exactly," said the angel
"I think this angel does not have all the wheels in place," said one pastor.
"But I do not see how it flies?" retorted another, "we must all go into town and look for the stable," concluded another resolutely.
Bethlehem had all of the narrow streets, which soon filled with sheep. A woman who woke up, looked out the window and saw the streets of Bethlehem, who seemed paved with white wool and wool floating in the middle of the shepherds, their donkeys loaded and the usual dogs barking. 'It just snowed so much last night,' thought Mrs. exchanging wool for snow, and went back to sleep under the covers.
Some pastors had reached dilapidated barn. "It 's here that was born the Savior?"
Joseph thought that someone must have made a joke: "No, here there is only the baby Jesus, with the father and mother."
"See, I said it, I, the angel did not have all the wheels in place," grumbled the first pastor.
"Never mind, we have come to worship the baby born in this stable." They took the gift from their asses and went.
"Do you have something to eat?" asked Mary.
"Certainly, madam, we are shepherds!" They showed their gifts: meat, cheese, bags of wool.
Joseph and the wise men, helped by the pastors, suddenly a long table with the axis of the roof. I lit a fire for the pastors grid. Before long, they were all seated at the table with Mary and Jesus at the head firmly attached to her breast.
The shepherds brought to the table their food: lamb chops fried in olive oil, mutton stew with yogurt, large loaves of bread rolls, pasta with vegetables, jars of wine, fried artichokes, leg of mutton ...
"Much better this food, the delicacies that we always eat at the palace," rejoiced the three wise men brandishing coscioti lamb roast.
"Can I have some wine?" asked Mary.
"Do not spoil the milk?" Joseph protested.
"His lady has struggled a lot last night. A glass can only be done well," concluded a shepherd, dall'anfora pouring the wine.
Bachetta And together, Magi, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, servants and midwives did not arrive until dawn.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Best Of All That Azz The Orgy, The Torren
The wolf-man 3
The man said he had to go for a Bisognin and then he resumed his story. He did not go in the bathroom of the tavern, but toward the exit. "It will be one of those people who likes to pee outside," I thought.
As soon as he came out, we heard a dog barking, then another, and after a succession of dogs farther and farther into the valley. After a while they heard a shriek, half way between the sound of a nail strip on a blackboard and a window that runs fast on its hinges a little greasy. The man returned with the suo strano passo, mettendo qualcosa dentro la bisaccia che portava a tracolla del suo cappotto. Dalla sacca usciva una specie di fazzoletto nero, che l'uomo spinse subito dentro. Mentre la cosa nera spariva, mi parve di riconoscerla come un'ala di pipistrello. Evidentemente, l'impressione del racconto mi aveva suggestionato.
Mio padre fece quello che aveva detto. Quattro lupacchiotti li diede a un pastore per stare dietro alle greggi, mentre uno, il più sano e robusto, lo tenne per sè, pensando di addestrarlo alla caccia.
In quello stesso periodo, conobbe una donna del paese. Si sposarono e lei rimase incinta. Le visite della lupa si facevano via via più rade. Era arrivato poi un autunno molto freddo e, pensavano all, most of the pups that had lost three-room deal with enough prey.
went by like the months of winter, came and spent the spring and, shortly before the birth, my father had a strange encounter. One night he woke up with dry throat with thirst and stomach heavy and, opening his eyes, he saw the muzzle of the wolf in the face. The bet was with the four paws on the body and with the mouth open, lips and teeth pulled in plain sight.
"Now kill me," thought my father, who knew how the wolf, with a single bite, he could have cut the throat. The wolf, however, remained motionless for a long time, looking him straight in the eye. Then he moved to my mother, who was sleeping next door without noticing anything, and licked her belly.
My father, recovered from the terror, rose to defend his wife, but the wolf jumped away and disappeared through the window, so fast that he thought he had dreamed.
When my mother gave birth, the child was all hairy, with two large nostrils, thick nails, feet long, what was the most horrible, long canine teeth. In a baby! That child, it will probably guessed, was me.
The people of the country, knowing the whole story, said it was the curse of the wolf, but my father replied that it was all nonsense. They said that the wolf had come to take their children into the belly of his wife, and my father began to doubt. Suggested che, vedendo i suoi lupacchiotti in mano all'uomo, la lupa aveva preso un uomo e lo aveva fatto diventare lupo; e mio padre, che non vedeva la peluria cadere, che sentiva mia madre urlare quando mi allattava, che più tagliava le unghie, più le queste ricrescevano lunghe e robuste, decise di restituire i lupacchiotti alla loro madre.
Andò dai pastori e li pagò molto più di quanto non avesse ricevuto da loro per riavere indietro i quattro lupacchiotti, oramai grandicelli. Il suo cucciolo, però, lo volle tenere. Perchè ci si era affezionato; in odio alla lupa; perchè -pensava- "una lupa saprà contare anche fino a quattro, ma certamente non fino a cinque."
In effetti, dopo che mio padre riportò The four kittens my appearance became more similar to that of other infants. The hair fell, nails, when cut, resumed to grow round and soft, when they were on the other teeth, the canines are not notarno much.
Reassured, my father took up the chase, he had neglected for nearly a year, becoming increasingly accompanied by his young wolf. Together they spent long days, from before sunrise to after sunset since. The wolf loved and learned: focus, report, look for prey in the dense bush.
One day they went up in the mountains, up steep rocks and along paths carved in the middle of steep rock walls. Just as they were one of those long paths, mio padre iniziò ad arrampicarsi verso un nido di falco abbastanza accessibile, mentre il suo lupo-cane lo attendeva nervoso più in basso. Da lì mio padre vide arrivare la lupa, che stava percorrendo proprio quel sentiero, ed ebbe un brutto presentimento.
Il giovane lupo non riconobbe la madre, ma una preda come un'altra e gli si scagliò contro. La lupa, più esperta, finse una fuga e, non appena il lupo gli fu alle spalle, si voltò con sorprendente velocità e lo azzannò appena sotto la gola.
In quello stesso momento, riconobbe dall'inconfondibile odore che si trattava del suo quinto cucciolo. Perse ogni desiderio di combattere, lasciò la presa e suo figlio, prendendo il sopravvento, le fu subito addosso. In the melee, the wolf slipped and fell into the precipice.
My father, meanwhile, was down again on the path. He called his tame wolf and went home.
Since that day, my transformation came where he was stopped. The fingers of my feet were too long and this forces me to limp. Maybe that's why, even though I grew up in this country, I can not say that I have real friends, even now that I'm old. But I
I arrange the same and if he wants to contribute to this my arrangement, leave me a little money to pay for a bottle of wine, it means that my story did not leave indifferent.
"Sure, sure" I pulled out my portafolgi and stretched one of my few notes. He took it, put it in his pocket and rose from the table. "Thank you sir, thank you very much."
run towards the door, pulled out the black thing out of the knapsack and began to sgranocchiarsela. I never wanted to know what it was.
That night I slept with the door locked with a key and well the next morning, shortly after dawn, the little man in the country m'aveva brought me back to my train to the sea.
The man said he had to go for a Bisognin and then he resumed his story. He did not go in the bathroom of the tavern, but toward the exit. "It will be one of those people who likes to pee outside," I thought.
As soon as he came out, we heard a dog barking, then another, and after a succession of dogs farther and farther into the valley. After a while they heard a shriek, half way between the sound of a nail strip on a blackboard and a window that runs fast on its hinges a little greasy. The man returned with the suo strano passo, mettendo qualcosa dentro la bisaccia che portava a tracolla del suo cappotto. Dalla sacca usciva una specie di fazzoletto nero, che l'uomo spinse subito dentro. Mentre la cosa nera spariva, mi parve di riconoscerla come un'ala di pipistrello. Evidentemente, l'impressione del racconto mi aveva suggestionato.
Mio padre fece quello che aveva detto. Quattro lupacchiotti li diede a un pastore per stare dietro alle greggi, mentre uno, il più sano e robusto, lo tenne per sè, pensando di addestrarlo alla caccia.
In quello stesso periodo, conobbe una donna del paese. Si sposarono e lei rimase incinta. Le visite della lupa si facevano via via più rade. Era arrivato poi un autunno molto freddo e, pensavano all, most of the pups that had lost three-room deal with enough prey.
went by like the months of winter, came and spent the spring and, shortly before the birth, my father had a strange encounter. One night he woke up with dry throat with thirst and stomach heavy and, opening his eyes, he saw the muzzle of the wolf in the face. The bet was with the four paws on the body and with the mouth open, lips and teeth pulled in plain sight.
"Now kill me," thought my father, who knew how the wolf, with a single bite, he could have cut the throat. The wolf, however, remained motionless for a long time, looking him straight in the eye. Then he moved to my mother, who was sleeping next door without noticing anything, and licked her belly.
My father, recovered from the terror, rose to defend his wife, but the wolf jumped away and disappeared through the window, so fast that he thought he had dreamed.
When my mother gave birth, the child was all hairy, with two large nostrils, thick nails, feet long, what was the most horrible, long canine teeth. In a baby! That child, it will probably guessed, was me.
The people of the country, knowing the whole story, said it was the curse of the wolf, but my father replied that it was all nonsense. They said that the wolf had come to take their children into the belly of his wife, and my father began to doubt. Suggested che, vedendo i suoi lupacchiotti in mano all'uomo, la lupa aveva preso un uomo e lo aveva fatto diventare lupo; e mio padre, che non vedeva la peluria cadere, che sentiva mia madre urlare quando mi allattava, che più tagliava le unghie, più le queste ricrescevano lunghe e robuste, decise di restituire i lupacchiotti alla loro madre.
Andò dai pastori e li pagò molto più di quanto non avesse ricevuto da loro per riavere indietro i quattro lupacchiotti, oramai grandicelli. Il suo cucciolo, però, lo volle tenere. Perchè ci si era affezionato; in odio alla lupa; perchè -pensava- "una lupa saprà contare anche fino a quattro, ma certamente non fino a cinque."
In effetti, dopo che mio padre riportò The four kittens my appearance became more similar to that of other infants. The hair fell, nails, when cut, resumed to grow round and soft, when they were on the other teeth, the canines are not notarno much.
Reassured, my father took up the chase, he had neglected for nearly a year, becoming increasingly accompanied by his young wolf. Together they spent long days, from before sunrise to after sunset since. The wolf loved and learned: focus, report, look for prey in the dense bush.
One day they went up in the mountains, up steep rocks and along paths carved in the middle of steep rock walls. Just as they were one of those long paths, mio padre iniziò ad arrampicarsi verso un nido di falco abbastanza accessibile, mentre il suo lupo-cane lo attendeva nervoso più in basso. Da lì mio padre vide arrivare la lupa, che stava percorrendo proprio quel sentiero, ed ebbe un brutto presentimento.
Il giovane lupo non riconobbe la madre, ma una preda come un'altra e gli si scagliò contro. La lupa, più esperta, finse una fuga e, non appena il lupo gli fu alle spalle, si voltò con sorprendente velocità e lo azzannò appena sotto la gola.
In quello stesso momento, riconobbe dall'inconfondibile odore che si trattava del suo quinto cucciolo. Perse ogni desiderio di combattere, lasciò la presa e suo figlio, prendendo il sopravvento, le fu subito addosso. In the melee, the wolf slipped and fell into the precipice.
My father, meanwhile, was down again on the path. He called his tame wolf and went home.
Since that day, my transformation came where he was stopped. The fingers of my feet were too long and this forces me to limp. Maybe that's why, even though I grew up in this country, I can not say that I have real friends, even now that I'm old. But I
I arrange the same and if he wants to contribute to this my arrangement, leave me a little money to pay for a bottle of wine, it means that my story did not leave indifferent.
"Sure, sure" I pulled out my portafolgi and stretched one of my few notes. He took it, put it in his pocket and rose from the table. "Thank you sir, thank you very much."
run towards the door, pulled out the black thing out of the knapsack and began to sgranocchiarsela. I never wanted to know what it was.
That night I slept with the door locked with a key and well the next morning, shortly after dawn, the little man in the country m'aveva brought me back to my train to the sea.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Im 16 And I Have Chilblains
The man-wolf The wolf-man 2
My father was not from here and we passed each year by selling and buying tools skins, wool and cheese. His passion, however, was hunting: hunting for food, hunting for skins, hunting on commission by farmers to protect from foxes and martens chicken coops, hunting for the sake of killing, as with hawks and buzzards. Climb up the rocks in search of eagles in the midst of large clearings invaded by brambles in search of wild boar, down to the bed of the streams in search of the bear, the most coveted prey.
One afternoon, almost dusk, following the footsteps of a deer on a dry ditch in the woods, he found himself in front of a big wolf. The wolf, as opposed to always do what the wolves did not run. He was in the middle of the ditch, just above my father.
My father told me stories of hunting, and every time I told her there was something different: the deer was further away, le anatre nel carniere dieci volte tante; ma la storia del suo incontro con la lupa me l'ha detta sempre con le stesse parole; le stesse pause, persino.
La bestia si trovava appena sopra di lui, e ringhiava furiosamente. Lui imbracciò il fucile e prese la mira, ma la lupa ancora non scappò, né attaccò. Iniziò invece a guaire, a fare un guaito assai simile -diceva mio padre- al pianto di un neonato in lontananza. Per un attimo esitò: sparare subito o aspettare e vedere cosa sarebbe successo dopo?
In quell'attimo, la lupa s'acquattò sulle zampe posteriori e balzò, passandogli sopra di una buona spanna. Quando si girò, era già sparita nel bosco.
Fu in quel momento che mio padre sentì yelped another, weaker, coming from the slope of the stream. Pushed aside some bushes and saw in a hole dug there, an entire litter of young wolves. "Why did not run away: his mother feared for her puppies." He thought a moment about what to do, then pulled up the puppies, who were five, put them in the flesh as if it were a cradle and carried them away, thinking that one could train him for hunting, others sell them to the pastors to make the guarding the flock.
Along the way back, he felt from time to time the sound of leaves calpstate now behind him, now front, right or left. "Follow me as well, mom, your pets now have lost them forever." Arrived at
inn at that time was owned by the father of Orpheus, said to put the puppies in the house and close it very well because that night the wolf would have gone to take them back, and it was so. Until dawn he heard howling and whining, of mother and children, and a big scratch at the door of the house.
The next morning, however, the puppies will be found there, where they had left, and wolf tracks were only on the ground: a large scrawl of circles, quickly withdrawn in a straight line to the forest of legs very first episodes of a jump against the door.
"You better do the other puppies, mom, because they do not ever see her again, and if you met, when they are trained hunting or guard, you agree to keep away from them. "
This story, I must say, m'aveva fascinated. I asked the lady Orpheus another jug \u200b\u200bof wine, filled the glass and the man with the coat I asked her to continue.
My father was not from here and we passed each year by selling and buying tools skins, wool and cheese. His passion, however, was hunting: hunting for food, hunting for skins, hunting on commission by farmers to protect from foxes and martens chicken coops, hunting for the sake of killing, as with hawks and buzzards. Climb up the rocks in search of eagles in the midst of large clearings invaded by brambles in search of wild boar, down to the bed of the streams in search of the bear, the most coveted prey.
One afternoon, almost dusk, following the footsteps of a deer on a dry ditch in the woods, he found himself in front of a big wolf. The wolf, as opposed to always do what the wolves did not run. He was in the middle of the ditch, just above my father.
My father told me stories of hunting, and every time I told her there was something different: the deer was further away, le anatre nel carniere dieci volte tante; ma la storia del suo incontro con la lupa me l'ha detta sempre con le stesse parole; le stesse pause, persino.
La bestia si trovava appena sopra di lui, e ringhiava furiosamente. Lui imbracciò il fucile e prese la mira, ma la lupa ancora non scappò, né attaccò. Iniziò invece a guaire, a fare un guaito assai simile -diceva mio padre- al pianto di un neonato in lontananza. Per un attimo esitò: sparare subito o aspettare e vedere cosa sarebbe successo dopo?
In quell'attimo, la lupa s'acquattò sulle zampe posteriori e balzò, passandogli sopra di una buona spanna. Quando si girò, era già sparita nel bosco.
Fu in quel momento che mio padre sentì yelped another, weaker, coming from the slope of the stream. Pushed aside some bushes and saw in a hole dug there, an entire litter of young wolves. "Why did not run away: his mother feared for her puppies." He thought a moment about what to do, then pulled up the puppies, who were five, put them in the flesh as if it were a cradle and carried them away, thinking that one could train him for hunting, others sell them to the pastors to make the guarding the flock.
Along the way back, he felt from time to time the sound of leaves calpstate now behind him, now front, right or left. "Follow me as well, mom, your pets now have lost them forever." Arrived at
inn at that time was owned by the father of Orpheus, said to put the puppies in the house and close it very well because that night the wolf would have gone to take them back, and it was so. Until dawn he heard howling and whining, of mother and children, and a big scratch at the door of the house.
The next morning, however, the puppies will be found there, where they had left, and wolf tracks were only on the ground: a large scrawl of circles, quickly withdrawn in a straight line to the forest of legs very first episodes of a jump against the door.
"You better do the other puppies, mom, because they do not ever see her again, and if you met, when they are trained hunting or guard, you agree to keep away from them. "
This story, I must say, m'aveva fascinated. I asked the lady Orpheus another jug \u200b\u200bof wine, filled the glass and the man with the coat I asked her to continue.
Friday, December 5, 2008
New Club Chocolate Ga
Reading is good because it distracts, but sometimes the distraction has consequences that we can not control.
I was with my backpack in a large and crowded train station, waiting for the train that would take me to a seaside for a few days of vacation with some friends. Pending the regional train to the track in late 10, I stood perched on the backpack with a book of adventure, which was about exploration distant lands, full of mysteries and dangers. "Ah, how nice it would if I were taking a paddle boat to take me into the rain forest instead of the train that will take me to a beach crushed by millions of tourists," I thought to myself. I felt something scratchy speaker, but there I noticed. Then I saw several people dressed in flowered shirts move towards the underpass in the opposite direction from which they were people wearing the usual clothes of those who go to work. A few minutes later came a train with three carriages and went up faded and rusty. He soon fell asleep. I woke up only when the train reached the last station of the line: a small house with peeling plaster, from which ran a narrow road dirt, in a landscape enclosed by high mountains covered with pastures and forests.
A man who was exiting the train, the last of the few passengers, who assured me, no, it was the station-Santa Maria-the-Sea, but that of Valle-Selva-di-Buia. Afraid of being alone in the isolated station, I asked mannikin to give me a ride in the country, where, he assured me, I could spend the night waiting for the train that I would return the next day, the big city station, and then the sea.
While the little man took me to the village driving his van across a road with hairpin bends, I called my friends with their cell phone telling them that, for some strange error of the railways, was finished in one block posto di montagna invece che al campeggio dove avrei dovuto raggiungerli. E mentre dicevo questo, capii cos'era successo: il gracchiare dell'altoparlante diceva che il treno per il mare era stato dirottato su un altro binario, per questo i viaggiatori vestiti da vacanza avevano lasciato la banchina; mentre le persone provenienti dal sottopassaggio erano quelli che dovevano prendere il treno su cui ero salito io per sbaglio, ed erano scesi uno dopo l'altro alle stazioni sparse lungo la linea ferroviaria, tranne me e l'omino che mi stava conducendo al paese.
"Lì può mangiare, e hanno anche delle stanze per dormire," mi disse l'uomo lasciandomi di fronte a una drogheria-bar. Lo ringraziai e entrai nel locale buio e, mi sembrò, anche abbastanza reeking of rotten wood, stewed cabbage and smoked cigarettes at a time when you could still smoke in bars. In the room there were only
the old bartender, a couple of young woodsmen and, sitting at a table in a dark corner, a man bundled in a coat out of season, I felt that as soon as you enter, with his face turned a little upward, rather than looking at me, seemed to smell.
The lady had a way of making offhand, but not quite rude. He assured me that the night I could sleep there without paying a fortune and he promised that the next morning, his nephew m'avrebbe reported to the station. I was just lucky, he said, because he had just warmed up the soup of pork rinds Pork and cabbage that had prepared a few days earlier. It was not just a light dinner of fresh fish and salad that I had imagined before leaving, but had to settle.
As I was sitting at the table in front of pork rinds and fried cabbage, the man with the coat got up and was on my side. Limping, appeared on both legs. "Failure?" he asked, sitting down without waiting for my answer.
"Leave the young man!" shouted the bartender from the bar.
"Do not worry, do not you eat your mica tourist," the ring behind him.
"You want some?" I asked him moving into the pan too full.
"Thank you," he said, and turned to the woman, "Orpheus, bring me a plate. "
He put a scoop in its bowl of pork rinds, then began to clean them up patiently every little piece of cabbage." A food for sheep! "he said to himself, putting the vegetables in the pan," Sheep! " . It seemed to me that saying the word "sheep" his eyes sparkled with joy almost.
ate in silence, he drank a bottle of wine at least, then looked at me twisting his head from bottom to top:
"This is a place unfortunate where people come just by accident. How unfortunate, she can not know and it is better not to know. "
And I, in truth, I had no desire to know, but he kept talking and he told me this story.
Reading is good because it distracts, but sometimes the distraction has consequences that we can not control.
I was with my backpack in a large and crowded train station, waiting for the train that would take me to a seaside for a few days of vacation with some friends. Pending the regional train to the track in late 10, I stood perched on the backpack with a book of adventure, which was about exploration distant lands, full of mysteries and dangers. "Ah, how nice it would if I were taking a paddle boat to take me into the rain forest instead of the train that will take me to a beach crushed by millions of tourists," I thought to myself. I felt something scratchy speaker, but there I noticed. Then I saw several people dressed in flowered shirts move towards the underpass in the opposite direction from which they were people wearing the usual clothes of those who go to work. A few minutes later came a train with three carriages and went up faded and rusty. He soon fell asleep. I woke up only when the train reached the last station of the line: a small house with peeling plaster, from which ran a narrow road dirt, in a landscape enclosed by high mountains covered with pastures and forests.
A man who was exiting the train, the last of the few passengers, who assured me, no, it was the station-Santa Maria-the-Sea, but that of Valle-Selva-di-Buia. Afraid of being alone in the isolated station, I asked mannikin to give me a ride in the country, where, he assured me, I could spend the night waiting for the train that I would return the next day, the big city station, and then the sea.
While the little man took me to the village driving his van across a road with hairpin bends, I called my friends with their cell phone telling them that, for some strange error of the railways, was finished in one block posto di montagna invece che al campeggio dove avrei dovuto raggiungerli. E mentre dicevo questo, capii cos'era successo: il gracchiare dell'altoparlante diceva che il treno per il mare era stato dirottato su un altro binario, per questo i viaggiatori vestiti da vacanza avevano lasciato la banchina; mentre le persone provenienti dal sottopassaggio erano quelli che dovevano prendere il treno su cui ero salito io per sbaglio, ed erano scesi uno dopo l'altro alle stazioni sparse lungo la linea ferroviaria, tranne me e l'omino che mi stava conducendo al paese.
"Lì può mangiare, e hanno anche delle stanze per dormire," mi disse l'uomo lasciandomi di fronte a una drogheria-bar. Lo ringraziai e entrai nel locale buio e, mi sembrò, anche abbastanza reeking of rotten wood, stewed cabbage and smoked cigarettes at a time when you could still smoke in bars. In the room there were only
the old bartender, a couple of young woodsmen and, sitting at a table in a dark corner, a man bundled in a coat out of season, I felt that as soon as you enter, with his face turned a little upward, rather than looking at me, seemed to smell.
The lady had a way of making offhand, but not quite rude. He assured me that the night I could sleep there without paying a fortune and he promised that the next morning, his nephew m'avrebbe reported to the station. I was just lucky, he said, because he had just warmed up the soup of pork rinds Pork and cabbage that had prepared a few days earlier. It was not just a light dinner of fresh fish and salad that I had imagined before leaving, but had to settle.
As I was sitting at the table in front of pork rinds and fried cabbage, the man with the coat got up and was on my side. Limping, appeared on both legs. "Failure?" he asked, sitting down without waiting for my answer.
"Leave the young man!" shouted the bartender from the bar.
"Do not worry, do not you eat your mica tourist," the ring behind him.
"You want some?" I asked him moving into the pan too full.
"Thank you," he said, and turned to the woman, "Orpheus, bring me a plate. "
He put a scoop in its bowl of pork rinds, then began to clean them up patiently every little piece of cabbage." A food for sheep! "he said to himself, putting the vegetables in the pan," Sheep! " . It seemed to me that saying the word "sheep" his eyes sparkled with joy almost.
ate in silence, he drank a bottle of wine at least, then looked at me twisting his head from bottom to top:
"This is a place unfortunate where people come just by accident. How unfortunate, she can not know and it is better not to know. "
And I, in truth, I had no desire to know, but he kept talking and he told me this story.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pink Spot Under Dog's Nose
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Ap Bio Lab 5 Answers Cellular Respiration
Guess the name
E 'generalization of Guess the number . You think a common name (what, animal, plant, or abstract) and the other must guess by asking questions to which you answer yes or no. I think it's a classic game. In family is in vogue for a few days, the evening walks.
The best strategy is to find enough dichotomies by cutting open the mind to the identification of the name. "It 's alive?" is a good first question, "is a cat?" a little less.
I wonder whether a dichotomy is good when cut in half quantitatively the set of possible names (the names but how much is difficult: there are many names of those living there are non-living?). Or if the size semantically, according to some natural frontier to our way of thinking (and therefore, our whom? Humans? Europeans? Children?).
E 'generalization of Guess the number . You think a common name (what, animal, plant, or abstract) and the other must guess by asking questions to which you answer yes or no. I think it's a classic game. In family is in vogue for a few days, the evening walks.
The best strategy is to find enough dichotomies by cutting open the mind to the identification of the name. "It 's alive?" is a good first question, "is a cat?" a little less.
I wonder whether a dichotomy is good when cut in half quantitatively the set of possible names (the names but how much is difficult: there are many names of those living there are non-living?). Or if the size semantically, according to some natural frontier to our way of thinking (and therefore, our whom? Humans? Europeans? Children?).
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Where Is License For Star Trek Digital Copy
Games imaginary
walk under the arcades with Angelica, paying attention to the dog droppings left there by way 'of landmine and ambush pigeons, we have designed a new video game. I would have called "Portico", but she prefers to direct a "hunt".
The little man of the game must go through a portico Bologna, jumping (up arrow) that meets the dog poop on the floor and avoiding those pigeons perched on steel rods disengaged from the top. Special risks consist of (i) chamber pot thrown into the street from the lady who looks out the window on the porch, (ii) alluvial horse a horse parked on the side of the porch after a short-warning in the form of a tail that stands up-shoot I raise below zero columns.
There are suggestions for the bonus: how to buy items, and everything that lives is a dangerous path of a full game?

walk under the arcades with Angelica, paying attention to the dog droppings left there by way 'of landmine and ambush pigeons, we have designed a new video game. I would have called "Portico", but she prefers to direct a "hunt".
The little man of the game must go through a portico Bologna, jumping (up arrow) that meets the dog poop on the floor and avoiding those pigeons perched on steel rods disengaged from the top. Special risks consist of (i) chamber pot thrown into the street from the lady who looks out the window on the porch, (ii) alluvial horse a horse parked on the side of the porch after a short-warning in the form of a tail that stands up-shoot I raise below zero columns.
There are suggestions for the bonus: how to buy items, and everything that lives is a dangerous path of a full game?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Rainbow Roses For Sale
My life as a limerick Limerick
A green frog croak Maremma
addition to face his mother.
His daughter said to the toad
The joke:
"make me a nice tadpole I planned!"
A green frog croak Maremma
addition to face his mother.
His daughter said to the toad
The joke:
"make me a nice tadpole I planned!"
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pull Behind Brush Cutter
III Used
Education Minister has the beautiful country
a single lawyer calabrese
"Because the people braying ?
Alitaglia you save! "
And cut the wings and dreams to the beautiful country.
Education Minister has the beautiful country
a single lawyer calabrese
"Because the people braying ?
Alitaglia you save! "
And cut the wings and dreams to the beautiful country.
What R The Bumps On The Back Of The Tongue
My life as a limerick II
A 'archivist Florence low
strands of loose papers and had a chest. The
where 'every card,
Then carefully restored.
It stopped about two feet to the bully.
A 'archivist Florence low
strands of loose papers and had a chest. The
where 'every card,
Then carefully restored.
It stopped about two feet to the bully.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Game With Dinosaur And Bubbles
My life as a limerick I
papyrology Peretola
Find a papyrus that crumbles. The
deciphers the debris, then there
law Nefertiti:
And the sun of Egypt blessed basks
papyrology Peretola
Find a papyrus that crumbles. The
deciphers the debris, then there
law Nefertiti:
And the sun of Egypt blessed basks
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Scout 1000 Arc W/realtree Ap Camo
Guess the number
is played in two (but just changing the rules you can play in three or four) . Player A has to think a number from 1 to 100 (or other numeric range) and Player B should guess going to trial and error. If B says "x", Player A has to say if the number who thought it is "x" or if it is greater or less than "x". Any attempt to point B is A, every move "wrong" is worth five points of B of A. When B finally guessed, it takes a share reversed. Vince, let's say, the first which is 21 points.
B. 34
A. Minor. [A to point A]
B. 15
A. Maggiore. [A to point A]
B. 40
A. Bad move (because we already knew that the number was less than 34). [Five points for A]
B. 27.
A. You guessed it!
Variations and additional rules. To ensure the honesty of A, you can ask me to write the number on a piece of paper, to be checked at the end. In a variant, the game makes sense even if A can cheat and change the number depending on the response of B, but in line with the directions given above. In a few moves, however, B can force A "corner".
Question. What is the maximum number of moves it takes a smart player to guess the number x, assuming that it is between 1 and 100?
is played in two (but just changing the rules you can play in three or four) . Player A has to think a number from 1 to 100 (or other numeric range) and Player B should guess going to trial and error. If B says "x", Player A has to say if the number who thought it is "x" or if it is greater or less than "x". Any attempt to point B is A, every move "wrong" is worth five points of B of A. When B finally guessed, it takes a share reversed. Vince, let's say, the first which is 21 points.
B. 34
A. Minor. [A to point A]
B. 15
A. Maggiore. [A to point A]
B. 40
A. Bad move (because we already knew that the number was less than 34). [Five points for A]
B. 27.
A. You guessed it!
Variations and additional rules. To ensure the honesty of A, you can ask me to write the number on a piece of paper, to be checked at the end. In a variant, the game makes sense even if A can cheat and change the number depending on the response of B, but in line with the directions given above. In a few moves, however, B can force A "corner".
Question. What is the maximum number of moves it takes a smart player to guess the number x, assuming that it is between 1 and 100?

Thursday, October 23, 2008
How Long Ice Cubes Freeze
A tomato circus Nola
wanted to show his skill at school, with the remaining basil
on the pan in the balance. He failed and turned into
A tomato circus Nola
wanted to show his skill at school, with the remaining basil
on the pan in the balance. He failed and turned into
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Watch Su-ki-da Online
Lullaby II
ROW line rhyme
today I put the mouth,
nibbled a bit 'here and there
between spinach and cod
between a slice of ham, potatoes and rice
the zucchini frittata, the
boneless cod, bread, pasta
eat everything finger
(then wash with soap and wipe with cotton
). A Livorno
there cacciucco
all fish without makeup.
Bologna mortadella
snack my best. In Florence, the Chianti
am happy with everyone. A
Palermo, cannoli!
are also good for yourself! In Verona, a beautiful
pandoro ...
... goodnight and pleasant dreams!
ROW line rhyme
today I put the mouth,
nibbled a bit 'here and there
between spinach and cod
between a slice of ham, potatoes and rice
the zucchini frittata, the
boneless cod, bread, pasta
eat everything finger
(then wash with soap and wipe with cotton
). A Livorno
there cacciucco
all fish without makeup.
Bologna mortadella
snack my best. In Florence, the Chianti
am happy with everyone. A
Palermo, cannoli!
are also good for yourself! In Verona, a beautiful
pandoro ...
... goodnight and pleasant dreams!
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