Cari lettori, io ho un semplice blog dove cerco di fare informazione e divertirmi esprimendo il mio parere su svariati argomenti. Per chi invece fosse interessato a creare un proprio sito internet, niente è più utile di questa guida che ho trovato. Spiega davvero tutto. E' fatta benissimo.
If you want your website to be visible all over the world must be hosted on a Web Server. With this tutorial we will try to explain what web hosting and what it offers web hosting. Introduction to Web Hosting
In this chapter we will try to answer the following questions:
# What is the World Wide Web?
# How does the world wide web?
# How does a browser to fetch a web page?
# Come fà il browser a mostrare le pagine web?
# Cos'è un Web Server?
# Cos'è un Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
Cos'è il World Wide Web?
Il World Wide Web (letteralmente significa vasta ragnatela mondial) è una rete mondiale di computer. Significa che tutti i computer che fanno parte di questa rete mondiale (il web) possono comunicare (scambiare dati e informazioni) tra di loro. Per potersi capire tra di loro i computer devono utilizzare un linguaggio comune. Il linguaggio comune utilizzato da all computers in the web is defined by the HTTP standard.
Summing up the World Wide Web is a worldwide network of computers that communicate with each other using the standard HTTP.
How the World Wide Web?
information on the World Wide Web are stored in documents called web pages. Web pages are files that are located (placed) on computers that are called web servers. Computers reading the web pages stored on the server are called web clients. The Web client shows you the web pages using a program called a web browser.
summarize the user navigates the World Wide Web using your computer (web client) program called a web browser. Using the web browser may display a web page stored on a web server.
The most widely used web browsers are: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera.
How does a browser to fetch a web page?
The browser fetches a web page (in technical language that makes you say to fetch a web page) by a request (request) to the web server. As we saw earlier computers network communicate with each other using the HTTP standard, this standard requires that the request for a webpage is done by entering the address (address) of the webpage. An address to make the request to a web page would be: It means: Using the standard HTTP (typing "http://") and I want to show you a page that can be found at " The requests are written by the user in the address bar of your browser.
In summary, the browser displays a web page after the user has requested it by entering its address in the address bar of your browser.
like the browser to display web pages?
Web pages stored on Web servers are written in a standard language: the 'HTML. The pages written in HTML contain instructions for the browser to properly display it.
What is a web server?
The set of all your web pages is your website. To allow others to green your website you need to publish it.
Publishing a website is copy the website on a web server. Generally you buy blank space web web domain and other services from an Internet Service Provider (ISP), or if your computer is connected to the network can be done to act as a web server. The last option is for experts has presented many difficulties, we will analyze in the rest of the tutorial.
What is an Internet Service Provider?
An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a provider of services. A very common service from an ISP is the service of web hosting. By purchasing this service from an ISP you have the option of storing their sito web presso un server pubblico. Altri servizi normalmente acquistati con il servizio di web hosting sono il servizio email e la registrazione del nome del dominio.
I fornitori del servizio di web hosting: I Providers
Come è stato accennato nel capitolo precedente se si vuole che il nostro sito sia visibile al mondo si hanno due opzioni tra le quali scegliere:
1. Ospitare (hosting) il prprio sito su un proprio computer connesso a internet che funge da web server.
2. Acquistare il servizio di web hosting presso un Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Hosting a website on your computer
This is one possibility was available, but it can be put into practice must be taken into account some issues that will face.
The cost of hardware
To be able to host a web site will need to purchase a powerful server hardware. Do not expect to solve this problem with a PC at low costo.Avrete also need a permanent connection (24 hours) high velocità.E' queste connessione hanno un costo.
Il costo del software
Una cosa che spesso si dimentica di mettere in conto nelle valutazioni dei costi sono le licenze dei software. Le licenze dei software che si utilizzaranno per gestire l'hosting hanno un loro costo che non è basso. Inoltre il costo delle licenze per i server è spesso molto più alto del costo delle licenze per i client.Altro aspetto da tenere presente è che alcune licenze possono essere limitate ad un certo numero di utenti concorrenti.
Il costo del lavoro
Remember that you should install the software and hardware. You will have to fight constantly against bugs and viruses, and keep the server constantly active in an environment where anything can happen.
Website Hosting Sevices at an Internet service provider (ISP)
This is the most common choice for a number of advantages.
connection speed
Many providers have a very fast internet connection like fiber optic T3 45Mps.
power hardware
Internet Service Providers often have powerful web servers that share among different companies.
Security and Stability
Internet Service Providers make a professional web hosting then you would expect Viceno time of up to 99% on the latest software patches and the best protection against viruses.
Other things to consider
Try an Internet Service Provider that offers you support 24 hours a day so you do not have to wait for the next working day to resolve a problema.Assicuratevi that your provider has copies of daily backups, or you risk losing dati.Analizzate restrictions on traffic volume and compare them with esigenze.Assicuratevi that your ISP gives full support to access the database in relation to your needs.
Web hosting and domain name
The domain name is unique, that Internet domain name identifies a unique website. The choice of a hosting solution that includes the registration of a domain name. The domain name should be easy to remember.
What is a domain name?
The domain name is unique and identifies a single website. For example, and
The domain name must be registered. When a domain name is registered is inserted into a large record of all domain names and information on the site, the IP address of the domain is stored on a DNS server. DNS stands for Domain Name System. A DNS is responsible for informing all other computers coneessi Internet about your domain name and IP address.
Registering a domain
Registering a domain is very simple, there are many companies that offer this service. Generally, companies provide interfaces to search for available domains, and offer a choice of several extensions that you prefer to register.
The new domain extensions com. Biz. Info. Eu give the possibility to choose different names still available. While for the most popular domain extensions such as. Com. Com. Net will be very difficult find a domain name easy to remember user yet.
Choose your domain
Choose the domain is a big step for both private individuals and organizations. When you choose a name for the domain is important to consider the force that results in ease of the user to reach your site.
A good domain name must have the following characteristics:
# Must be brief: Users do not really want to type characters on the keyboard, a short domain simplify their lives and prevent their typos that would prevent its raggiungemento.
# It must be significant: A domain name is short, but without meaning it will not be easy to remember. The best thing would be that the domain name is related to the topics discussed on the site. This will make the site more appealing to search engines.
# It must be clear: The clarity is important when you choose a domain name. We must avoid choosing names difficult to pronounce
Most people who surf the internet every day unconsciously use subdomains. The famous "www" for World Wide Web is the most famous example of a subdomain. Subdomains can be created on a DNS server is not need to be registered, of course, the parent domain must be registered. An example of a subdomain can be:
The ability to create sub-domains is generally an additional service provided by web hosting provider.
Domains expiring
Many people record different domini in modo poi da poterci speculare su. Il risultato è che domini che erano precedentemente registrati diventano disponibili.
Le capacità del web hosting - Spazio Web e Banda
Sicuramente scegliere la quantità di spazio web e la banda che sono necessari per il proprio sito web è una tra le prime cose a cui pensare dopo che si è scelto il nome del dominio. Assicuratevi di acquistare lo spazio sul disco e il volume di traffico che prevedete vi necessiterà.
Quanto spazio sul disco acquistare?
An average site - little need at least 10, 100MB of disk space. Generally a web page takes between 5 and 50K of disk space, if you make web pages full of images, buttons, banners, the occupation of space on each page grows. So may no longer be sufficient to 10 - 100MB. In short if you plan to use a lot of graphics, they need a web space with greater capacity.
many Internet Service Providers often relieves us of this choice by providing web hosting plan with unlimited web space.
monthly traffic and bandwidth needed
Un sito medio piccolo consuma tra 1 e 5 GB di banda mensile. Potete calcolare il consumo di banda del vostro sito web moltiplicando la dimensione media delle vostre pagine web (lo spazio web che in media occupa una vostra pagina web) per il numero di pagine viste mensilmente ( o meglio dovrete stimare in maniera ottimistica il numero di pagine viste per mese). Se ad esempio una vostra pagina web media ha una dimensione di 25K e vi aspettatte 60.000 pagine viste al mese, avrete bisogno di 0,025 x 60.000 = 1.5GB di banda.
Fate attenzione che più il sito web crescerà maggiori saranno la pagine web viste mensilmente con conseguente aumento del traffico mensile (banda necessaria). Nella scelta dell'host providers take care to:
* See if there are restrictions on the monthly traffic
Controllote * if the host provider leaving the right to close your website when this exceeds the amount of traffic per month purchased.
* Check if your host provider allows you to change the hosting plan on the run, that is to purchase a greater amount of bandwidth when you need.
connection speed
Generally il vostro sito viene raggiunto dai visitori con una connessione via modem, ma il vostro host provider dovrebbe avere una connessione molto più veloce. più veloce.
Di seguito aluni esempi di connessioni usate su internet:
Prima di propendere per un contratto di hosting navigate alla ricerca dell'host provider che offre un piano di hosting che meglio soddisfa le vostre necessità.
Web hosting - Servizi Email
Tra i vari servizi di web hosting provided by 'host provider may wish to purchase email accounts and some email services.
Account email
A possible solution could involve the purchase of hosting a number of email accounts the number of employees or persons who are part of your company, so that each person has their own email address. For example:
POP Email
POP stands for Post Office Protocol. POP is the standard protocol client / server to send and receive emails.
emails received to your e-mail server in the Internet remain until they are downloaded from a mail client program such as Outlook and others.
IMAP Email
IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. IMAP is another standard protocol client / server to send and receive emails.
Like POP emails received your e-mail address remain in the internet server until they are downloaded from a mail client program such as Outlook and others. IMAP is an improvement compared to the POP protocol as it provides opportunities for different computers to manipulate the email stored on an IMAP server without transferring the messages between your server and the client computer. The standard was designed to allow POP access to email to individual computers.
Web-based Email
The web-based email service providing access to email via a browser without the need for other programs. Just log on the web to your email account to send or receive emails.
Examples of web-based email services are offered by Google's Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail.
Email Forwarding - Email Forwarding
anchequesto activating service will be delivered to other email accounts emails that arrive at the mail account that we have activated our host provider.
Web Hosting - Technologies
In this chapter we describe the technologies most commonly offered Web hosting plans from the Internet Service Provider.
Hosting Windows Hosting Windows
means hosting of web services that "go around" on a Windows operating system, ie your site is managed by programs in Windows environment.
It is advisable to choose this type of hosting if you plan to create a site using ASP (Active Server Pages), or if you plan to use databases like Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. An 'Another reason that you should lean toward a solution to hosting windows is the intention to develop your site using Microsoft Front Page.
Hosting Linux
If you choose this type of web hosting services will run on Linux. Before opting for a Linux or Windows hosting plan please note that some internet service providers prohibit the use on a script hosting technology and allow it to another. So if you are interested in the use of special scripts, make sure that your host provider will allow you to use the technology hosting you choose.
Web pages can be performed by CGI scripts. CGI scripts are executed on the server, and are used to produce dynamic and interactive web pages.
Many hosting providers of pre-installed CGI scripts such as guest-book, counters, chat ..
The use of CGI scripts is very common in the Linux hosting plan
ASP - Active Server Pages
Active Server Pages is a server-side scripting technology developed by Microsoft. With ASP you can create dynamic pages. ASP pages are executed on the server that produces results in an HTML page that is returned the browser to appear. This technology is used on a Windows hosting platform.
JSP is a server side technology like ASP developed by Sun With JSP you can create dynamic pages by inserting Java code in HTML pages. As for ASP JSP Java code is executed server side and the browser returns an HTML page with the results of previously executed code on the server. This technology platform is not restricted by the fact that JSP uses Java.
FrontPage è un software per creare pagine web sviluppato da Microsoft molto utilizzato. FrontPage permette agli utenti di sviluppare un sito web senza che questi ultimiabbiano una profonda conoscenza in materia di sviluppo web. Moltissime soluzioni di hosting Windows supportano un'estensione lato server di FrontPage per semplificare la vita agli uteni che utilizzano FrontPage per sviluppare il loro sito. Per utilizzare FrontPage è necessario scegliere un piano di hosting windows.
PHP è un linguaggio di programmazione server-side che permette di creare pagine web dinamiche. Come per ASP e JSP il codice viene eseguito lato server e al browser che ha richiesto di visualizzare la pagina php viene restituita una comune pagina HTML. PHP è un linguaggio open source è implementato sia su hosting windows che su hosting linux.
Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion è un altro linguaggio di scripting server side utilizzato per creare pagine web dinamiche. Cold Fusion è sviluppato da Macromedia.
Secure Server
Un server sicuro (secure server) permette di trasmettere dati criptati. Se avete intenzione di permettere transazioni online con carta di credito avrete need a secure server. Check if your host provider gives you the chance to buy it.
Web Hosting - Database
Which database to choose for prorpio website?
SQL Server or Oracle for high traffic, low traffic for Access or MySql.
Which Database to your website?
databases are becoming essential for a website, many scripts to work need support from a database. More sites now have a structure that is based on CMS, and CMS rely on the database.
So it is increasingly faced with the choice of database.
There are several database systems for web hosting. The most common are: MS Access, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.
will try to be helpful with the following tips to help you choose the database that can better meet your needs.
SQL - Structured Query Language - is the language for accessing databases. To build their own scripts that rely on databases, you need to know SQL. SQL is a language "natural", ie, every SQL statement should be read in full, at least in first approximation as an English sentence.
SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most popular database for web sites with heavy traffic. It 's very powerful, strong and full of utilities.
Oracle databases are well known and widely used on Web sites with heavy traffic. As the former is very powerful and robust.
When a website does not require a database is powerful, Microsoft Access may be enough to meet your needs.
MySQL is a popular database management software very much used on web sites to high traffic. And 'good and inexpensive. MySQL is not itself a database, but only software that allows you to create, maintain and manage electronic databases. All software of this kind falls into the category called database management system (DBMS DataBase Management System). Each DBMS acts as an intermediary between the database itself and its users.
Types of web hosting
Internet Service Providers offer different types of web hosting: FREE, SHARED (virtual - shared), dedicated. Seuito to analyze the characteristics of various types.
Web Hosting Free
Some providers offer free hosting solution. The type of free web hosting is the solution best for small sites with low traffic, like family sites or sites of particular hobby. There is zero sitiad recommended for high traffic sites or wishing to do business online. Technical support for this type of web hosting is limited and the technical options are few. Another aspect to note is the fact that you can use your domain name because domain names are the type of hosting free A domain name like this is difficult to write, hard to remember and not professional.
Shared ( Virtual ) Hosting
Uno shared hosting è un opzione molto comune. Scegliendo il virtual shared hosting il vostro sito sarà ospitato su un server molto potente con almeno altri 100 siti. Nella soluzione virtual hosting ogni sito web avrà il suo nome di dominio registrato e avrà a disposizione diverse soluzioni di software come gestione email, database e altre. Vediamo i Vantaggi e gli svantaggi.
Hosting Dedicato
Con il servizio di Hosting dedicato il vostro sito è ospitato su un server dedicato. Questa tipologia hosting is the most expensive. This hosting solution is best for sites that have high traffic and want to use special software. We see advantages and disadvantages.
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