The miracle can happen, however, and the decline of an afternoon I see on the shelf "Jeanne's Journey" (Les Grandes personnes) Anna Novion. I head in case where a queue waiting for me very pleasant, with the poor committed mass Italiot crushed by the Saturday Press and snorts. Clothed as whores wives, husbands gym trousers Low-rise plan a bad night by thanking the heavens that cover them alone, lying on the couch to watch a bad movie, including barrage of phone calls and text messages.
I can rent "The journey of Jeanne, which made passing the required consumed salesman gives me all the important thing is that does not leave the store" only "with" The journey of Jeanne. " If I add 3 € I get two more films, to be delivered within 48 hours. No, thanks. If I add 1 € I take away a pack of M & M'S, the ones with the peanuts. No, thanks. If I add a box set of the Ten Commandments of Kieslowski € I am entitled to a 50% discount on my coffin in future pine wood, very valuable. Christ, finally a final proposal. I congratulate with the salesman, I accept and ride home.
With the French almost always go on the safe side. Their cinema is in balance, our no. It 's like living in a special dimension, that once we were concerned. But not now, and I do not understand why. I sense that is, but I have no time to explain it because it starts Inter-Brescia. Or better team Iachini against Eto'o, # 9 amazing playing with the Nerazzurri. One that if you work the defender of Brescia, before you take the field you lose at least five minutes before the crucifix in the dressing room praying that you take a retort heating.
Nothing to do, and he will tip, imitation, modeling the beauty of his muscles for long shots that leave you on the spot, nearly demolished in the fate of your player "normal." But do you force the other ten are not as Benitez's from another planet and then you play a good first step, go ahead with your center forward / captain and then to rest by winning at San Siro against the European champions.
The second time you have it figured out already. Bite the bullet and defend themselves without lowering too much, hoping Diamonds controls the nerves and invent something on the break. Minutes pass and almost believe it. Then remember that an arbitrator, if he wants a career, there are certain penalties that the top teams still need to boo, even if the player beautiful rolled it alone on the ball as a child. Patience, you have done everything possible. You did not win but it's not your fault. Brescia leads to a point after five consecutive defeats. It adds two more, you'd have a discount on what you are missing to stay in Serie A.
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