Gazette on Saturday, writes Langone the good of the Church of silence "says nothing" about the Sunday opening of Esselunga, Coop, etc..
"The Papa non dice niente” commenta E., un amico del giornalista che lavora all’Esselunga. E con lui la Cei (questo sindacato di vescovi senza carisma, specifica Camillo).
Langone non vorrebbe che un giorno si addebitasse alla Chiesa questo silenzio, e prega affinché nelle prossime settimane un autorevole uomo di Chiesa prenda la parola e dichiari che chi decide a favore delle aperture domenicali è contro Dio e perciò contro l’uomo. Proprietari che chiedono, amministratori pubblici che autorizzano. Mentre i clienti domenicali, conclude splendidamente Langone, sono semplicemente contro sé stessi.
Già. A partire dalla metà degli anni novanta le aperture domenicali hanno rivoluzionato la vita dei lavoratori Trade, however, that unionized category counts for nothing. Someone said that would increase the wealth of all, who would create new jobs. Someone had also believed.
the Church so do not charge a silence, but a fault. One of the many.
I saw families move from churches to shopping malls, tired of asking God for something less glamorous future of shopping there. For this outrage of Langone arrived two years late. And I am sure that no influential man of the Church will speak. Why the Church is corrupt, the Pope is corrupt, the majority of bishops are corrupt, the corruption that unfortunately is not material but spiritual. I feel almost commonplace assertion, but I feel even more naive in supporting the view positions that will never arrive. Sure man, as always, you can choose, and then if the Italians were not a herd galloping on Sunday to the nearest shopping center, they would no prayer.
To do my part, however, about six o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday, I walked to the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie . I joined and I was almost thirty minutes in silence staring at the ceiling.
"The Papa non dice niente” commenta E., un amico del giornalista che lavora all’Esselunga. E con lui la Cei (questo sindacato di vescovi senza carisma, specifica Camillo).
Langone non vorrebbe che un giorno si addebitasse alla Chiesa questo silenzio, e prega affinché nelle prossime settimane un autorevole uomo di Chiesa prenda la parola e dichiari che chi decide a favore delle aperture domenicali è contro Dio e perciò contro l’uomo. Proprietari che chiedono, amministratori pubblici che autorizzano. Mentre i clienti domenicali, conclude splendidamente Langone, sono semplicemente contro sé stessi.
Già. A partire dalla metà degli anni novanta le aperture domenicali hanno rivoluzionato la vita dei lavoratori Trade, however, that unionized category counts for nothing. Someone said that would increase the wealth of all, who would create new jobs. Someone had also believed.
the Church so do not charge a silence, but a fault. One of the many.
I saw families move from churches to shopping malls, tired of asking God for something less glamorous future of shopping there. For this outrage of Langone arrived two years late. And I am sure that no influential man of the Church will speak. Why the Church is corrupt, the Pope is corrupt, the majority of bishops are corrupt, the corruption that unfortunately is not material but spiritual. I feel almost commonplace assertion, but I feel even more naive in supporting the view positions that will never arrive. Sure man, as always, you can choose, and then if the Italians were not a herd galloping on Sunday to the nearest shopping center, they would no prayer.
To do my part, however, about six o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday, I walked to the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie . I joined and I was almost thirty minutes in silence staring at the ceiling.
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