Monday, December 27, 2010

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The Courier mattress

Sometimes, especially when I find myself doing the cashier for six consecutive hours, I wonder why any daily or weekly decides to pay me for the things I write. I listen to my chest Beep number 7 for six consecutive hours, and passed the sorrow of not knowing why, after ten years of his career in the same company (during which I was involved in advising the prevalence of records and books in many Milanese ) for some time I will be used only Bip to do in case, my focus shifts Surnames dominant in several national newspapers. Their equality or similarity, let me answer the question: why no one pays me to write? Probably because my father was a journalist. And I think I told him: Dad, you the journalist. He, however, nothing, just wanted to make the mattress. All right. But if I had listened, now I would have been able to avail of the one thing that especially in Italy, guarantee inclusion in the workplace: the recommendation.

you browse through the pages of newspapers, and last names are always the same. Go to the movies, and actors are always already loro. Guardi SuperQuark , Piero e Alberto. Figli, nipoti, mogli, amanti. Ogni tanto qualcuno riesce a inserirsi in qualche professione avulsa alla storia della propria famiglia, per acclarata bravura o colpo di fortuna, garantendo così ai discendenti un sorprendente cambio di casta.

Leggo sempre divertito certi corsivi indignati contro Berlusconi (che non ho mai votato). Poi guardi chi l’ha scritto e dal cognome ti viene il dubbio che sia stato assunto in quel giornale per raccomandazione. Però si scaglia conto Berlusconi, dall’alto della sua integrità professionale. Perché Berlusconi è un furfante, lui invece no, è pulito. Perché, come disse una volta Piero Angela: “Non l’ho hired because he's my son, but because it is good. " Ok, but how many others there were good with different surnames?

I Bip continue and find the solution: the founding of the mattress Courier. All mattress and take it a bit 'of copies that way. Then do as Republic and Courier : some advertising with naked women or in his underwear, and other readers are insured. If you really want to exaggerate, corrupt few journalists digging competition (preferably with a reputation for incorruptible). Of those paid with coins to throw at the enemy's main owner of the newspaper, and I assure you another slice of the public. Nothing more I can do. Buy the
Courier mattress, please. I write too.


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