Monday, December 20, 2010

Duckpin Bowling Clip Art Images

Postponing: Napoli-Lecce (Taugenichts and the earthquake in Bet Lehem)

I remember a late afternoon Dicembrino eighties. To my mother and a boxcutter for one, had crossed two roads from the front door of our house to get to the foot of the castle that dominated the neighborhood, the city. What did they want mother and son with a knife? Regular pool and so barbarous a family quarrel? Attempt on the life of some unsuspecting passer-by? None of that.

The idea of \u200b\u200bTeresa, was to scrape the wall that preceded the beginning of Cidneo hill moss that had grown in order to get a lawn worthy of the crib at home. It was legal? Asked me confident enough to follow in the footsteps nursery. Probably, but not in jail than she would have gone there, not me, baby. Scratch scratch that you, too, in the end we were back home with our lawn on which to place the statues in a manner sedimented by age and then a few cones as trees, rocks, and a rectangle of aluminum foil to act as a pond.

sometimes came to see her cousins, and playing soccer or tennis with a sponge ball, it happened that the same term on the crib, overwhelming shepherds and animals. With the innocence of some cynical children's games, Giselle Elena and I got near the crib, trying to determine the cause of that tragedy. Meteorite Bet Lehem? Earthquake in the House of Bread? And to what degree? According to figures falling, death or injury, was established the level of the quake, according to Richter and Mercalli scales.

These thoughts keep coming back to me when I go in early December with Martin in a shop in Largo Schuster in Milan, specializing in cribs. Every year we add men, women and sheep to our representation, forced to give priority to save money some people than others. For example, the Kings do not have them yet, but if this initially I was sorry not now, because every year I see the inside of Bethlehem appeared increase, and I think the day that the city will be complete. Before going to

Tricell , I wonder if I'll find behind the counter inside the former Juventus and free to serve in Verona, but then I'll settle for an elderly lady who, surprisingly, comes out at our feet by a trapdoor on the floor. Once past the frightened astonishment of a person who rises from the underground timber to ask you what you want, it's time to choose the figures of the year. Marta her, I mine, and this year mine is asleep with a red hat resting on his stomach, looking in his nap, so much to remember the protagonist of "Life of an idler" di Joseph von Eichendorff , tra i libri che portavo sottobraccio quando intorno ai vent’anni oltre a lavorare andavo in giro per i parchi di Brescia a leggere da solo, pensando di essere qualcosa di simile a un poeta, che però vendeva anche lavatrici e frigoriferi.

Il perdigiorno addormentato adesso brilla nel nostro presepio, e siccome ho smesso di giocare con la pallina in casa perché sono una persona matura, mi sono permesso di chiedergli se, come statuina, si senta offeso quando i giornalisti più astuti definiscono “difese di belle statuine”, quelle immobili su cross avversari adatti a far svettare di testa punte col fiuto del gol, per intenderci il contrario di Amauri. Un po’ sì, mi ha detto the onlookers, but in the end I scrubs, please let me sleep.

Then in the evening walk back from a theater where I saw Erri De Luca speak in the name of the mother. Trampled snow, reflecting on the extraordinary nature of Miriam, Iosef wife, mother of Ieshu, able to give birth alone, with a knife and a bowl of water. What is the link between the knife and that my and my mother? Because the snow does not stop the blood? With all the snow that fell, they returned a few games? How much white in the stadium-Bet Lehem cave?

I heard some say that the evil pastor, because of the waste problem, this year may have to win the championship Napoli. Non gli ho creduto. Di certo la squadra di Mazzarri è molto fortunata, e Cavani assomiglia pure ad un Ieshu adulto. Dopo ogni rete non si dimentica mai di ringraziare Dio, con le braccia indica il cielo, mormorando qualcosa con gli occhi spiritati. Del resto, la traiettoria del pallone scagliato dal “Teschio” uruguagio domenica pomeriggio come sempre oltre il novantesimo, qualcosa di religioso certamente aveva.


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