Ho conosciuto un ragazzo che, per diventare come il suo campione preferito, era solito recarsi dal parrucchiere per farsi pettinare i capelli come il suo campione preferito.
Per una coincidenza sfortunata, il suo campione preferito era Pavel Nedved, proprietario di una chioma bionda irripetibile, source from the center of the head and then spread, leaping through waves during the race, up almost to his shoulders.
E 'was perhaps for the time lost by the hair and look in the mirror that the boy did not become as strong as Nedved, can be understood clearly by reading my normal life, the autobiography written by former Czech champion player Juventus and Lazio in collaboration with Michele Dalai, and published by to d d .
Read the life of an important person is nice when the story shines through the normality of being extraordinary, and when this excellence is described without assumptions. And 'this is the case of normal life Pavel, which started in Cheb, west of the Czech Republic in 1972 and continued mainly in Prague, Rome and Turin. Places where Nedved has devoted more time to strengthen his bright talent for combing her beautiful hair.
Now I could tell of the Velvet Revolution, the Roman Holiday of the Ballon d'or Pavel. Certain derby or a warning to forget. But I will not spoil the read for those who perhaps is already running, just not as fast as Czech Fury, to the nearest bookstore to buy the precious book, surprising, moreover, the bookseller with a blonde wig worn explosive for the occasion.
prefer to uncover a secret hidden on the right page 96, where usually, as everyone knows, space is page 97. Not in this case.
On the right of the starting 96 photographs, Nedved with a boy who shone in the midst of other classmates. The question is why some people shine in the photos? Just a matter of light, or agreements with the photographer? No, I do not believe it. You do not know, but if you know the truth, let me know.
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