spinach dumplings - SpinatKn Odel
300 grams (4 pieces of 75 grams) / 10:58 Oz ( 4 x 2.64 Oz)
Spinach (min.31%), bread (wheat flour, water, lard, baking powder, salt, milk powder, malt), eggs, cheese (Emmental), water, whole milk, butter, flour and soft wheat 0 ", onion, parsley, garlic, salt, natural flavors.
May contain traces of celery.
Cooking methods:
- Place the dumplings in boiling water and salt.
- Cooking time: 10 minutes on medium heat.
- Remove them from the water and serve with melted butter and grated Parmigiano Reggiano golden.
Josef Strauss
Srl Via Riva 39050 Riva
below 62 below (BZ)
Tel +39 0471 633337 Fax +39 0471 637042
Wenter Gregor, known chef of the show "Evidence of the chef" and the Design Hotel-Restaurant Bad Schörgau, Strauss is a consultant firm to create new products.
His advice for the preparation, along with tasty recipes, the fruit of his passion for good food, are presented in the section below.
Serves 2:
30 g butter 30 g flour, 0.2 l of milk, 80 g of alpine cheese (aged), 1 egg, lemon rind and almonds
Melt the butter and brown flour, aggiungere il latte e mescolare fino a ottenere una besciamella densa. Continuando a mescolare, aggiungere prima il formaggio e, dopo aver lasciato completamente raffreddare la fonduta, l'uovo e il limone grattugiato.
Cuocere i canederli e, dopo aver scaldato la fonduta, senza portarla a ebollizione, versarla sopra, cospargere poi con le mandorle a scaglie tostate e servire.
...o servire come contorno per il pecorino e i porri rosolati...
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