- 200g di farina bianca, più un poco per la spianatoia
- 100g di burro g 100
- 70g caster sugar icing sugar 2 egg yolks
- a hint of vanilla
- lemon a pinch of salt
- Prepare the pastry, mixing together the flour and the butter, sugar, a pinch of salt, one of vanilla, the grated rind of one lemon and two egg yolks.
- pellet the homogeneous mixture in the refrigerator and let stand covered for about half an hour. Roll out the dough
- pulled out of the refrigerator on floured
- Cut six large rectangles di pasta e spianarli per bene
- Con un coltello ritagliare il contorno di una mascherina di Carnevale e la forma degli occhi, poi con uno stuzzicadenti fare due forellini laterali per il nastrino.
- Rivestire una teglia con carta da forno, allineare all’interno tre cucchiai di legno, coperti con altra carta da forno e poi, su ogni manico, stendete in orizzontale 2 mascherine in modo che, avranno a metà un rialzo per la protuberanza del naso.
- Infornare il tutto a 170 °C per 10 minuti.
- Far raffreddare le mascherine prima di sollevarle dai manici e poi guarnirle con i nastrini colorati e spolverizzarle di zucchero a velo.
streamers Carnival.

With a little 'food coloring and using a steel cylinder, that's for your children a new version of "rags" typical Carnival sweets .. .
Recipe taken from:
(Qui puoi trovare altre ricette di carnevale, oltre che per tutte le occasioni).
(Per la torta)
- 300 g di farina
- 250 g di zucchero
- 8 uova
- 1 limone
- 1 bustina di vanillina,
- mezza bustina di lievito per dolci
- sale
- 1 bicchiere di sciroppo orange
- 200 g of cherry jam
- 100 g marzipan colored
- 80 g of sugar basin colored colorful chocolate candies
- 80 g jam Cherry
- With an electric mixer in a bowl the eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt to facilitate the operation, worked for a long time until frothy.
- (To incorporate the other ingredients using a wooden spoon)
- Stir very gently, incorporate the flour, lemon rind and washed rind and vanilla, add the yeast last.
- Pour the mixture into a buttered and floured mold, passing in a preheated oven (180 degrees) for about 45 minutes.
- Turn off the oven and let the cake for another 5 minutes. Sfornatelo, and let it cool before removing from pan. Then cut the cake horizontally and sprinkle both sides with the syrup, spread the jam and recompose the cake.
- Warm the marmalade in a saucepan and spread it over the entire cake sprinkle with colored basin.
- Roll marzipan, with the help of a rolling pin and cut with a sharp boxcutter the form of a mask.
- place them at the center of the cake decoration and complete with colored sprinkles to chocolate.
Search google new ideas to make the sweet joy of the Carnival!
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